STRP Outputs
Latest STRP publications

Scaling up wetland conservation and restoration to deliver the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity...

Technical proposal of the STRP on resourcing and implementing Waterbird Population Estimates

STRP submission to the 6th meeting of the AHTEG

Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework: Upscaling wetland conservation, restoration and wise...
Global Wetland Outlook
The Global Wetland Outlook provides a current overview of global wetlands: their extent, trends, drivers of change and the responses needed to reverse the historical decline in wetland area and quality.
- Global Wetland Outlook: State of the world’s wetlands and their services to people 2018
- Global Wetland Outlook: State of the world’s wetlands and their services to people 2018 - Executive Summary
- Global Wetland Outlook: Special Edition 2021
- Global Wetland Outlook: Special Edition 2021 - Executive Summary
Policy Briefs
The Policy Briefs are prepared by the Scientific and Technical Review Panel. They are short summary papers which gather information on a particular wetland-related subject or issue to facilitate decision making. They provide policy options and an evaluation of these options for a specific audience of policy makers.
Policy briefs can also support broader advocacy initiatives. They make scientific and technical findings accessible to non-technical audiences including journalists, diplomats, administrators and researchers, with recommendations which they can act on.
- Policy Brief 1: Wetlands for disaster risk reduction - Effective choices for resilient communities
- Policy Brief 2: Integrating multiple wetland values into decision-making
- Policy Brief 3: Ramsar Advisory Missions - A mechanism to respond to change in ecological character of Ramsar Sites
- Policy Brief 4: Implementing environmental flows with benefits for society and different wetland ecosystems in river systems
- Policy Brief 5: Restoring drained peatlands: A necessary step to achieve global climate goals
- Policy Brief 6: Transforming agriculture to sustain people and wetlands
Briefing Notes
The Briefing Notes are prepared by the Convention’s Scientific and Technical Review Panel to share scientific and technical information on wetlands with a broad audience.
Briefing Notes are reviewed internally by STRP members and an internal editorial panel, comprised of the STRP Chair and the responsible Thematic Work Area lead or task lead, assisted by the Convention's Deputy Secretary General and Scientific and Technical Support Officer.
- Briefing Note 1: Introduction to the Briefing Notes Series
- Briefing Note 2: Wetlands and water storage: current and future trends and issues
- Briefing Note 3: Avoiding, mitigating, and compensating for loss and degradation of wetlands in national laws and policies
- Briefing Note 4: The benefits of wetland restoration
- Briefing Note 5: Evaluating the risk to Ramsar Sites from climate change induced sea level rise
- Briefing Note 6: Towards the wise use of urban and peri-urban wetlands
- Briefing Note 7: State of the World's Wetlands and their Services to People
- Briefing Note 8: Ramsar Advisory Missions - Technical advice on Ramsar Sites
- Briefing Note 9: Guidelines for inventories of tropical peatlands to facilitate their designation as Ramsar Sites
- Briefing Note 10: Wetland restoration for climate change resilience
- Briefing Note 11: Practical peatland restoration
- Briefing Note 12: The contribution of blue carbon ecosystems to climate change mitigation
- Briefing Note 13: Wetlands and agriculture: impacts of farming practices and pathways to sustainability
Technical Reports
The Technical Reports are prepared by the Convention’s Scientific and Technical Review Panel to share technical notes, reviews and reports on wetland ecology, conservation, wise use and management.
All Technical Reports are reviewed by the members and observers appointed to the STRP.
- Technical Report 1: Guidelines for the rapid ecological assessment of biodiversity in inland water, coastal and marine areas.
- Technical Report 2: Low-cost GIS software and data for wetland inventory, assessment and monitoring.
- Technical Report 3: Valuing wetlands: Guidance for valuing the benefits derived from wetland ecosystem services.
- Technical Report 4: A Framework for a wetland inventory metadatabase.
- Technical Report 5: A Framework for assessing the vulnerability of wetlands to climate change.
- Technical Report 6: Healthy wetlands, healthy people.
- Technical Report 7: Ramsar Wetland Disease Manual.
- Technical Report 8: Waterbird Flyway Initiatives.
- Technical Report 9: Determination and implementation of environmental water requirements for estuaries.
- Technical Report 10: The use of Earth Observation for wetland inventory, assessment and monitoring.
- Technical Report 11: Global guidelines for peatland rewetting and restoration
- Technical Report 12: Scaling up wetland conservation and restoration to deliver the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework
The Fact Sheets summarize wetland-related issues in everyday, friendly language.
- Wetlands: a worldwide disappearing act
- Coral Reefs: Critical wetlands in severe danger
- Keep peatlands wet for a better future
Additional materials that have been produced by the STRP.
- Online training course: Wetlands and agriculture - Pathways to sustainability (FAO elearning Academy).
- STRP submission to the 6th meeting of the AHTEG on Indicators on the effective consideration of wetlands in the KMGBF Monitoring Framework
- Briefing paper on the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and how to upscale wetland conservation, restoration and wise use through National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs).
- Technical proposal of the STRP on resourcing and implementing Waterbird Population Estimates (SC63 Doc.20).