The Convention works with a diverse global network of partners to meet its objectives. They range from other global Conventions and agencies, to international and national non-governmental organizations and prominent private companies.
The Convention's Strategic Plan 2016-2024 acknowledges the importance of partnerships in enhancing the implementation of the Convention. Paragraph 42 reads: “The wise use of wetlands and their resources will ultimately involve a range of actors well beyond those responsible for the management and maintenance of Wetlands of International Importance and other wetlands. This holds at local, national, regional and global levels where existing partnerships […] should be strengthened and new partnerships with civil society and the business sector forged […].”
The Contracting Parties at COP12 confirmed their commitment to collaboration through Resolution XII.7. They recognized the need for focused fundraising activities to support the implementation of the Strategic Plan, and encouraged Parties to “enter into north-south, south-south and triangular cooperation”.
The Convention on Wetlands is one of many multilateral environmental agreements. It works closely with other relevant global treaties, including the six other global biodiversity-related Conventions, with regional biodiversity agreements and with other relevant Conventions such as the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).
The Convention has many agreements with non-governmental bodies, foremost among them six which have been formally approved by the Contracting Parties as International Organization Partners.
The Convention also benefits from implementation support from private companies, in particular the Danone Group including the Evian brand.
Contracting Parties can collaborate through Ramsar Regional Initiatives which support regional cooperation between a wide range of stakeholders.