Gender and wetlands
In 2018 Contracting Parties to the Convention on Wetlands adopted Resolution XIII.18 on Gender and Wetlands, the first Resolution which recognizes the importance of addressing gender equality and women’s empowerment in the implementation of the Convention.
Contracting Parties further committed to mainstream a gender perspective in the Convention’s work, recognizing that women play a vital role as agents of development, and to acknowledge that gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls is crucial to making progress against all Sustainable Development Goals and targets.
The Resolution encourages Contracting Parties to be gender-responsive in the implementation of the Convention, recognizing the role of women, including Indigenous and local women, in the provision, management and safeguarding of wetlands.
Areas of work
The Secretariat undertakes specific activities to support of the commitment of Contracting Parties to become more gender-responsive and deliberate in their actions towards achieving gender quality and empowerment of women in the implementation of the Convention:
- Developing guidance on how to integrate gender issues in the implementation of the Convention;
- Training and enhancing awareness on issues related to gender and wetlands; and
- Monitoring and reporting back on the participation of women in the meetings of the Convention.
Training webinar and presentation: Mainstreaming gender under the Convention on Wetlands