
Contracting Parties of the Convention expressed a need for information resources that build capacity and facilitate local, national and regional efforts for resource mobilization. This page lists training resources and guidelines developed by the Secretariat and or its partners to support national fundraising efforts.



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 Short  Description 

Identifying and Prioritizing a Portfolio of Marine and Coastal Conservation Finance Solutions. Guidance Note - Pilot Version by Conservation Finance Alliance The Guidance Note presents a systematic method for brainstorming, defining, and prioritizing sustainable finance solutions. 
BluePrints for Private Investment in Ecosystem Restoration: Lessons from case studies. Report of the Finance Task Force of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.Drawing on case studies, the report highlights investment drivers and entry points to attract private finance in restoration projects. The report includes financing models and opportunities for replication and scaling.
The Mangrove Breakthrough Financial RoadMap. Unlocking investment at scale in critical coastal ecosystems.Report of the Mangrove Breakthrough in Partnership with the UN Climate Change High-Level Champions and the Global Mangrove Alliance in collaboration with the Financial Services Taskforce of the Sustainable Markets Initiative.The report includes pathways to deploy the capital for mangroves to close the investment gap including critical enabling conditions.