Gallery 0 Results Reset All Close Twenty thousand lake ( Bis Hajari Lake) situated inside the Chitwan National Park , Nepal. It is registered in World Wetland Site( Ramsar site) in the habitat of many aquatic plants and animals. Gharials and other reptiles are found here. It is also the source of water to Khageri irrigation project which irrigate most of the part of western site of Chitwan. many organisation and local bodies are working for protecting the site. Upakar Bhandari this photo has taken in CHOGHAKHOR WETLAND.every creature of god, uses this wetland. babak mehrafshar This wetland is located in Germany. It is really beautiful place. Ozge Ucoluk World wetland day.Sørkjosleira nature reserve and Ramsar cite on 2. february. Arild Endal Side of the Hydroelectric where is the water outlet of the machines. The water follows its natural course feeding the river below and keep bringing the riverside families. Yasmim Alves Araujo de Oliveira O município de Ribeirópolis possui uma área de 263 km², está inserido parcialmente na Bacia do rio Sergipe que integra a microrregião de Carira, situada na zona oeste, transição de Agreste com o Sertão. Assim como vários municípios que enfrentam problemas de escassez de água, o município de Ribeirópolis possui o açude do Cajueiro, este foi construído em 1956 com o propósito de reduzir a carência de água na região, possibilitando a convivência da população com a seca. O açude vem sendo usado ao longo do tempo para o abastecimento humano e animal, irrigação e criação de peixes. Aichha Carolina Pereira Kampala is the capital city of Uganda and it is located in the central region of the country. It has an area of about 238 square kilometers, a big part of which was once a wetland. Geographically Kampala is referred to as a city of seven hills separated by valleys with swamps and streams also called wetlands. Today the wetlands in this area is on the verge of extinction as they are being threatened by the increasing population in the city. Nassanga Moureen Vransko jezero Ivana Vukman A small lake between several villages in the mountain, with beautiful coastal vegetation, home of birds and also used for irrigation Stefani Zgureva Working hard for a better living Fefiloi Kerstin Recently visited salt farms in Bhavnagar and Amerli districts in Saurashtra region of Gujarat.During the visit, got an opportunity to closely observe the lives of Agariya's (Salt workers) and their struggle for survival. Bhushan Reddy Au cœur de la réserve Naturelle de La Baie de Somme, en France, ici passent un grand nombre d'oiseaux migrateurs. Elisa HEURTAUX Lake Uru Uru, is the smaller brother of lake Poopó in the Oruro Department, Bolivia. Together they form a valuable RAMSAR-site since July 2002. A place where both, indigneous people and endemic and endangered birds, such as the Chilean flamingo, can find their food Although this beautiful landscape seems perfect (as some the pictures may suggest): Blue water, open sky, nature and people living peacefuly together. There is also a counterside. Both the lakes got heavily contaminated because of various factors. Mining activities in the sorrounding region, bad management of sewer coming from te city of Oruro and a too low awareness about waste management. Due to the contamination hundreds of thousands of fish have died in November 2014. Meaning an inmense loss of food and economic resources for the local indigenous Uru population in the region. On top of that also the danger of extinction for the red list species and the local Uru people living in this area.On the field trip we where undertaking we met a girl walking along a deserted road going through the Lago Uru Uru area. Driving past the heavily contaminated wetlands this only dramaticised the whole picture. We took the girl with us to the farm she and her mother where working that day at the end of the road where the road ends in the Lago Uru Uru. The farm situated in the little traditional Uru-houses, only less than a mile away from the heavily contaminated fields, keeps both sheeps and cows living alongside of the lake. Also a large variety of bird-species can be spotted in this area. Delivering really pittoresque images. On the other hand stories were told by the farmer that the sheep were being born more and more in deformed way. Also the farms’ cows where faced with more and more miscarriages. The cause for these severe problems for the Uru-population is not really hard to find since the proof is literally around the corner. Laurens EL LAGO DE CAJITITLÁN SE ENCUIENTRA EN EL MUNICIPIO DE TLAJOMULCO, LOS PESCADORES DEPENDEN DE LA PESCA, SI LOS POBLADORES CONTAMINAN EL LAGO, SMUCHOS PECES PODRÍAN MORIR, HACE UN AÑO MURIERON MILLONES DE PECES POR LO MISMO, EL GOBIERNO ESTÁ APOYANDO MARIELA CASILLAS ZUBIETA Lack of breeding sites for storks can be a problem where good habitats are around. In the Danube Delta (Europe, Romania), cutting and selling the reed is almost the only source of income for the local people. The reed is deposited in the field next from where it was harvested, until is sold or transported . In the spring of 2008, a pair of storks built a nest on this almost 3 meters high pile of reed and it's there ever since as the owners refused to destroy the nest. Jozsef Szabo Pescador artesanal Ellen Caroline Carol Fotografia tirada em Bragança(interior do estado do pará) em áreas de Mangues! kamile saraiva Debido al cambio climático la profundidad de las aguas de la Laguna de Moyuá y la calidad de vida de sus pobladores se ha visto grandemente afectada. Narriman Madriz Artisanal fisheries in Baía River, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, one of the rivers of the Upper Parana River floodplain, in Brazil. Taken near sunrise in July, 2015. Rafaela Granzotti fishing men Alina Cojanu En la Ciénaga de la Virgen o Tesca, en canoa, pajareando de madrugada. La cano es de Javier, un pescador, ambientalista, habitante del corregimiento aledaño a la ciénaga que lleva el nombre de "La Boquilla". Javier hace parte de una empresa comunitaria de ecoturismo en la cual prestan el servicio de paseos en canoa por este importante humedal de Cartagena. Maria Fernanda Patiño this wetland has been made by aggregation of water behind of a small dike that controls the consume of agricultural water... with cute seagulls probably migrated to this area after that it has made... mohammad amin kazemi This photo is of a beaver meadow within the City of Fredericton, New Brunswick Canada. The fall is the most beautiful month to visit wetlands as there are so many bright leaves, birds and sounds! My favorite place to be. Christie Dawn to dusk my job in wetlands...Dipor bil, Ramsar site, South Asian Forum for Environment conservation movement, "Biorights of Commons", for sustainable livelihood and future. Amrita Chatterjee It is a beautiful interface between the land and the incredible Green Lake at Green Lakes State Park, near the city of Syracuse NY. This wetland is home for a lot of life, a good view to be seen, and an important place to be preserved. Eliane Zaparoli Quiles Weaving of papyrus products is one of the sustainable livelihood activities that women in Siaya County are engaged in. The papyrus is harvested from Yala Swamp which is one of the few remaining extensive freshwater wetland in Kenya and also designated Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA). John Mwacharo “Be Baay,” a Tboli lady and the magnificent Lake Sebu! Found in the heart of “Timog Cotabato,” Philippines, Lake Sebu astounds with its beautiful wetlands. Locale of the Tboli tribe, it has been the source of life itself for Tboli people especially the women. Its magnificence illuminates Tboli women. Its exotic beauty is the beauty of Tboli women. It is forever precious and full of pride. Darlene Ofong