Gallery 0 Results Reset All Close Tamiahua, Varacruz, Mexico Hector Santiago Careaga Martinez Frog in Watsonville Wetlands in California Danielle Karonis Tamiahua, Varacruz, Mexico Blanca Escarlet Quiroz Alejandre Seldovia AK on the southern coast of the Kenai peninsula. Seldovia sits on the edge of the inlet, home to the seldovi village tribe. The inlet has one of the most dramatic tide shifts in the world and is a home to coastal sea otters, wild salmon, whales, puffin, bald eagles, bears, and a variety of tidal creatures. Today the tribe still uses the resources found both in the sea and the rich land surrounding the town. From berry picking to fishing the land is rich in resources and endangered wildlife. Emily Shirtz Wetlands generally support an important Wetlands biodiversity and in many cases provide critical habitat for critically endangered species. Los humedales generalmente sustentan una importante diversidad biológica y en muchos casos constituyen hábitats críticos para especies seriamente amenazadas. Leer más: Modesto Ricardo Contreras González The photos were taken in the Subject Area for Conservation Ecology Lagoon System Catazaja and La Libertad, Chiapas, Mexico. Las fotos fueron tomadas en la Zona Sujeta a Conservación Ecología Sistema Lagunar Catazaja y La Libertad, Chiapas, Mexico Ana Patricia Estrada López Two turtles basking on a log Bethany Soileau This is a American Alligator in Big Cypress swamp in South Florida during the early morning mist. Zane Johnson This beautiful lake transmits peace and joy. Es un hermoso lugar que transmite paz y alegría. Guadarrama Monserratt Cancun is known internationally for the beauty of its beaches. This would not have been without the help of mangroves who grow here. Cancún a nivel internacional y nacional, lo ha caracterizado la belleza de sus playas y arenas. Esto no hubiera sido sin la ayuda de los manglares que en él se encuentran. Fotografía: Manglares Nichupté. Melchor Ernesto Muñoz Dzib Cuatro Cienegas, Coahuila, Mexico. Place of pools that are true oasis in the Chihuahuan desert. Site of more than 100 endemic species of flora and fauna. Threatened by climate change. Cuatrociénegas, Coahuila, México. Lugar de pozas que son verdaderos oasis en medio del desierto Chihuahuense. Sitio de más de 100 especies endémicas de flora y fauna. Amenazada por el cambio climático, este paraíso sobrevive débilmente. Julio Alberto Salas Rabaza "Parque los Lagos", Xalapa,Veracruz, México. Carla Ivette Rivera Preza Yuseli Mejia Fontes The Poza Azul in Cuatrociénegas, Coahuila, is one of the most striking sites in the world with endemic wildlife. La Poza Azul, en Cuatrociénegas, Coahuila, es uno de los vestigios más sorprendentes del mundo, con un enorme grado de endemismos y con una historia fantástica. Sitio que sobrevive en medio del desierto Chihuahuense y contiene la clave de la vida misma, amenazado, con un futuro incierto. Julio Alberto Salas Rabaza Baby ducks and a painted turtle sharing a log in the marsh on Middle Bass Island, Lake Erie, USA Chloe Nostrant La manzanilla, Jalisco Jiselle De León This photo depicts the beautiful sunset over the Assawoman Bay in Ocean City, Maryland during a summer evening in August 2014. Chelsey Nemphos A beautiful place such as the Chacahua Lagunas National Park contains so much natural wealth with every organism that lives in this ecosystem, both plants and animals maintain a constant balance in this magical place. Un lugar tan bello como lo es el Parque Nacional Lagunas de Chacahua guarda riqueza en demasía con cada organismo que vive dentro de este ecosistema, tanto plantas como animales mantienen un equilibrio constante en este mágico sitio. Axel Vasquez Christchurch waterfront, VA Hao Iris Lagunas de Montebello National Park. Ramsar Site. Parque Nacional y Sitio Ramsar Lagunas de Montebello, Chiapas. Ernesto Isaías Aguilar Camacho A heron hiding in the grass Bethany Soileau Alec Batts Everglades National Park is a U.S. National Park in Florida Daysi Umpierre Even the rainy days are beautiful here at the Wilma H. Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetland Research Park in Columbus, Ohio. Grace Debbeler Victoria's temperate climate makes Rithet's Bog Conservation area the perfect year-round home for these lucky locals. Asha Congdon Baby Snapping turtle hiding on the side of the marsh on Middle Bass Island, Lake Erie. Chloe Nostrant Manzanillo Colima, Mexico. Michelle Akatzia Hernández Romo