Gallery 0 Results Reset All Close Native and migratory birds come to these wetlands of Xochimilco-Tlahuac to feed. Aves nativas y migratorias vienen a estos humedales de Xochimilco-Tlahuac para alimentarse de las especies que habitan ahí. Son fuente de vida y control de especies. Maleny Cedillo Inclán I took this photo at the Pekapeka Wetlands, near to my hometown of Hastings, New Zealand. These wetlands have had a revamping in recent years. Floyd Pepper ''Bombina variegata'' is a rare kind of frog with a yellow spot on its belly and an interesting voice. It lives in small puddles in shadows near forests or meadows. If they feel in in danger, they hide deeper in the water or pretend to be dead (they show their yellow spot on their belly). On the photo you can also see its eggs/spawn. Nika Udovič Everglades National Park is a U.S. National Park in Florida Daysi Umpierre REGUA (Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu), Cachoeiras de Macacu-RJ, Brasil. Jairo Farias By the light of the rising sun We are able to see that preserve the nature is a must. Rafael Teixeira Agusan Marsh. The largest Marshland in the Philippines. A great variety of marshland flora and fauna can be found in the marsh, including the endangered Philippine Crocodile. There are also a few small Manobo settlements within the protected area, covering about 6% of the vast wetland. A great variety of wildlife inhabit Agusan Marsh. Paula Sophia Tejada The magic of wetland. Vojtěch Šťastný Artista visual, fotografo, visionário. Luiz Neto San Gregorio Atlapulco Xochimilco, Mexico City. Lourdes Villalba Cabrera Soy estudiante universitaria curso el 4to año de la carrera de ingenieria en Ecoturismo en la Universidad Tecnica Estatal de Quevedo y me supo a este concurso para demostrar uno de los humedales mas importantes de mi Pais por la gran variedad de flora y fauna el cual es el Humedal Abras de Mantequilla, ubicado en la provincia de Los Ríos, aquí dejo mis fotos para que admiren su belleza escénica. Belky Jackeline Vargas Pontón Flight Synchronized. Praia Seca - Rio de Janeiro Yunes Khader Wetlands in Watsonville, California at sunset. Danielle Karonis An image shows the Wetland "Paljike" in Bosnia and Herzegovina /SouthEast Europe/ near Municipality Visoko as a part of central Bosnia. Also represent plant species Ranunculus aquatilis native throughout most of Europe and western North America, and also northwest Africa Faruk Garib