Gallery 0 Results Reset All Close World Wetlands Day celebrations in Oman Badar Al Bulushi World Wetlands Day celebrations in Samoa Ramsar Convention Dr. Ania Grobicki, Acting Secretary General joins senior officials from Iran to celebrate World Wetlands Day in Isfahan, Iran. Here they all stand next to the newly signed Commitment for Ramsar wise use principles. Ramsar Convention Group Photo with representatives of all the NGOs who helped preserve Shurgol Ramsar Site Iran Ramsar Convention Acting Secretary General Ania Gobicki joins ministers, ambassadors, and representatives of universities and NGOs in the historic city of Isfahan for Wolrd Wetlands Day Ramsar Convention World Wetlands Day Celebrations Oman Badar Al Bulushi World Wetlands Day celebrations in Solana, Montenegro Montenegro Acting Secretary General Ania Grobicki joins community celebrations and tastes the local drink. Ramsar Convention School Children Celebrate World Wetlands Day in Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Paul Ouédraogo Senior Regional Advisor Africa introducing the Ramsar Strat Plan 2016-2024 during World Wetlands Day Celebrations in Burkina Faso. Ramsar Convention Camila Chalmers, Solongo Khurelbaata of the Ramsar Secretariat meet with officials from the Regional Centre Ramsar Convention World Wetlands Day celebrations in Samoa Samoa Dr. Ania Grobicki, Acting Secretary General joins senior officials from Iran to celebrate World Wetlands Day in Isfahan, Iran. Community celebrations, World Wetlands Day 2016 at Gavkhouni, Iran World Wetlands Day celebrations in Oman Badar Al Bulushi Outreach material at the UN-Water Partners reception to celebrate World Wetlands Day at the International Labour Organization Geneva Ramsar Convention Community celebrating World Wetlands Day 2016 in Isfahan, Iran Ramsar Convention School Children Celebrate World Wetlands Day in Sri Lanka Lamech Kabore-National Focal Point Burkina Faso-Launching the World Wetlands Day Exposition. Ramsar Convention World Wetlands Day celebrations in Samoa Samoa Her Excellency Dr. Masoumeh Ebtekar, the Governor General of Isfahan Province, Camilla Chalmers Head of Communications Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. Oely Rakotomamonjy and Sharon Oseku-Frainier of the Ramsar Secretariat at the UN-Water Partners reception to celebrate World Wetlands Day at the International Labour Organization Geneva Ramsar Convention Official ceremony to award certificates to Ramsar Site Managers chaired by two ministers Ramsar Convention World Wetlands Day celebrations in Oman Badar Al Bulushi Mr. Guy Ryder, UN_Water Chair and Director General International Labour Organization joins World Wetlands Day celebrations at the ILO Ramsar Convention Mark Smith IUCN welcomes UN_Water partners to the World Wetlands Day recpetion held at the International Labour Organization, Geneva . Ramsar Convention UN-Water Partners reception to celebrate World Wetlands Day at the International Labour Organization Geneva Ramsar Convention