Gallery 0 Results Reset All Close This famous place is a view of the Grand Prismatic Spring, located at Yellowstone National Park, near the West Entrance. The colors and shallow water is the most beautiful characteristic of this site. It is a wetland that should be preserved, as well as all other ecosystems. Eliane Zaparoli Quiles Lanchero que ofrece recorridos turísticos a visitantes que llegan pasear el día en la zona del humedal Gladys Aguirre Balza A group of boys and men play a pick up game of hockey, Canada's most popular sport, outdoors on natural ice the way it is meant to be played. Because of climate change, the ice for outdoor recreation in this wetland hasn't been as reliable in recent years, but a sudden deep freeze produced this sheet of smooth ice. Hannah Mittelstaedt EL LAGO DE CAJITITLÁN SE ENCUIENTRA EN EL MUNICIPIO DE TLAJOMULCO, LOS PESCADORES DEPENDEN DE LA PESCA, SI LOS POBLADORES CONTAMINAN EL LAGO, SMUCHOS PECES PODRÍAN MORIR, HACE UN AÑO MURIERON MILLONES DE PECES POR LO MISMO, EL GOBIERNO ESTÁ APOYANDO MARIELA CASILLAS ZUBIETA This photo is of a beaver meadow within the City of Fredericton, New Brunswick Canada. The fall is the most beautiful month to visit wetlands as there are so many bright leaves, birds and sounds! My favorite place to be. Christie It is a beautiful interface between the land and the incredible Green Lake at Green Lakes State Park, near the city of Syracuse NY. This wetland is home for a lot of life, a good view to be seen, and an important place to be preserved. Eliane Zaparoli Quiles LA FAUNA ES UNO DE LOS ACTORES DE LOS LAGOS, AYUDAN PARA QUE EL ECOSISTEMA SEA ESTABLE, CADA ELEMENTO DE UN LAGO ES INDISPENSABLE PARA SU CONSERVACIÓN, ENTRE ELLOS LAS AVES MARIELA CASILLAS ZUBIETA A solitary skater watches the northern sunset while gliding over smooth ice on a Toronto lagoon. It is an enchanted location where people can experience nature and solitude within Canada's largest urban area. The ice season was shorter this year because of global warming. Hannah Mittelstaedt Niño pescando en forma tradicional en el Río Nazas bordeado por el Sitio Ramsar 1747, el Parque Estatal Cañón de Fernández río Nazas, donde se practica la pesca de autoconsumo y venta. Gladys Aguirre Balza Conexión de la Madre Tierra con Sus Hijos. Fatima Cristal Garduza Góngora Horse among the salt marsh in the Rachel Carson Reserve, in Beaufort, North Carolina, east coast of United States. Management of these wild horses has been successful in this coastal wetland reserve since 1990's. Photo taken in June, 2014. Rafaela Granzotti