Gallery 0 Results Reset All Close Thani Bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, Minister of Climate Change and Environment, UAE, receiving the Ramsar flag from Jorge Rucks, Vice Minister of Housing, Territorial Planning and Environment, Uruguay Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB COP13 plenary Thani Bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, Minister of Climate Change and Environment, UAE, receiving the Ramsar flag from Jorge Rucks, Vice Minister of Housing, Territorial Planning and Environment, Uruguay Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB L-R: Jorge Rucks, Vice Minister of Housing, Territorial Planning and Environment, Uruguay; and Facundo Etchebehere, Danone. Danone was recognized for its 20 years of commitment to conservation and sustainable management of wetlands of international importance. Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB Ramsar Wetland Conservation Awards Ceremony. L-R: Facundo Etchebehere, Danone; Cosme Morillo, Fundación Global Nature, Spain; Jorge Rucks, Vice Minister of Housing, Territorial Planning and Environment, Uruguay; Samantha Kwan, Youth Climate Action Network, Samoa; Martha Rojas Urrego, Ramsar Secretary General; and Ma Guangren, Director General, China Wetland Conservation Association Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB UAE delegates Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB Secretary General, Martha Rojas Urrego, presents the Global Wetland Outlook Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB Ramsar Convention Secretary General, Martha Rojas Urrego Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB L-R: delegates Ana Paula Leite Prates and Luciana Melchert from Brazil Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB L-R: delegates Marcela Torres, Martin Vega, and María Lorena Ortiz, Ecuador Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB Delegates from Colombia and Australia consulting Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB Delegates Jaime González and Anayeli Cabrera Murrieta, Mexico Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB COP13 delegates formulating language on the resolution on agriculture Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB L-R: Diane Klaimi, UNEP; Martha Rojas Urrego, Ramsar Secretary General; Elizabeth Mrema, UNEP; and Katharina Rogalla von Bieberstein, UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC) Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB Jane Madgwick, Wetlands International speaking at the COP13 Opening Ceremony Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB Peter Thomson, UN Special Envoy for the Ocean; and Martha Rojas Urrego, Ramsar Secretary General at the special event "UN Conference Community of Ocean Action on Mangroves" Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB His Excellency Dr. Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, Minister of Climate Change and Environment speaking at the COP13 Opening Ceremony Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB L-R: Elizabeth Mrema, UNEP; Peter Thomson, UN Special Envoy for the Ocean; Martha Rojas Urrego, Ramsar Secretary General; and Stewart Maginnis, IUCN Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB Recipients of Ramsar Awards, L-R: Cosme Morillo, Fundación Global Nature, Spain; Jorge Rucks, Vice Minister of Housing, Territorial Planning and Environment, Uruguay; Samantha Kwan, Youth Climate Action Network, Samoa; Martha Rojas Urrego, Ramsar Secretary General; and Ma Guangren, Director General, China Wetland Conservation Association Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB Royal Gardner, STRP Chair, presenting the STRP report to COP13 Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB COP13 Chair His Excellency Mohamed Al Afkham, Director General, Fujairah Municipality, Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB Delegates from Colombia and Australia Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB L-R: delegates Cynthia Silva Maturana and Gustavo Rey, Bolivia Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB L-R: delegates Jittinun Ruengverayudh and Wanlop Preechamart, Thailand Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB Delegates from South Africa Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB L-R: delegates Namjilmaa Battulga and Sundev Gombobaatar , Mongolia Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB L-R: delegates Laura Bermudez, Francisco Arias, María Claudia Vélez Crismatt, and Paula Sierra, Colombia Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB