Gallery 0 Results Reset All Close This photo was made after a big rain that wet the Itaunas village in Barra da Conceição locality in the Holy Spirit. Not only fish and reptiles depend on a humid environment, but also all living beings. Hugo Rogerio Bastos dos Anjos Humedal localizado dentro del Parque Nacional Natural los nevados, en la cordillera Central de Colombia. El complejo se abastecen de agua a más de medio millón de colombianos. Su importancia,es elevada, para el ser humano y la naturaleza. Karol Fernanda Montoya D Aquatic plants in the magical light of sunset in Capibaribe river. Hélder Santana Side of the Hydroelectric where is the water outlet of the machines. The water follows its natural course feeding the river below and keep bringing the riverside families. Yasmim Alves Araujo de Oliveira O município de Ribeirópolis possui uma área de 263 km², está inserido parcialmente na Bacia do rio Sergipe que integra a microrregião de Carira, situada na zona oeste, transição de Agreste com o Sertão. Assim como vários municípios que enfrentam problemas de escassez de água, o município de Ribeirópolis possui o açude do Cajueiro, este foi construído em 1956 com o propósito de reduzir a carência de água na região, possibilitando a convivência da população com a seca. O açude vem sendo usado ao longo do tempo para o abastecimento humano e animal, irrigação e criação de peixes. Aichha Carolina Pereira Lake Uru Uru, is the smaller brother of lake Poopó in the Oruro Department, Bolivia. Together they form a valuable RAMSAR-site since July 2002. A place where both, indigneous people and endemic and endangered birds, such as the Chilean flamingo, can find their food Although this beautiful landscape seems perfect (as some the pictures may suggest): Blue water, open sky, nature and people living peacefuly together. There is also a counterside. Both the lakes got heavily contaminated because of various factors. Mining activities in the sorrounding region, bad management of sewer coming from te city of Oruro and a too low awareness about waste management. Due to the contamination hundreds of thousands of fish have died in November 2014. Meaning an inmense loss of food and economic resources for the local indigenous Uru population in the region. On top of that also the danger of extinction for the red list species and the local Uru people living in this area.On the field trip we where undertaking we met a girl walking along a deserted road going through the Lago Uru Uru area. Driving past the heavily contaminated wetlands this only dramaticised the whole picture. We took the girl with us to the farm she and her mother where working that day at the end of the road where the road ends in the Lago Uru Uru. The farm situated in the little traditional Uru-houses, only less than a mile away from the heavily contaminated fields, keeps both sheeps and cows living alongside of the lake. Also a large variety of bird-species can be spotted in this area. Delivering really pittoresque images. On the other hand stories were told by the farmer that the sheep were being born more and more in deformed way. Also the farms’ cows where faced with more and more miscarriages. The cause for these severe problems for the Uru-population is not really hard to find since the proof is literally around the corner. Laurens Pescador artesanal Ellen Caroline Carol Fotografia tirada em Bragança(interior do estado do pará) em áreas de Mangues! kamile saraiva Debido al cambio climático la profundidad de las aguas de la Laguna de Moyuá y la calidad de vida de sus pobladores se ha visto grandemente afectada. Narriman Madriz Artisanal fisheries in Baía River, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, one of the rivers of the Upper Parana River floodplain, in Brazil. Taken near sunrise in July, 2015. Rafaela Granzotti En la Ciénaga de la Virgen o Tesca, en canoa, pajareando de madrugada. La cano es de Javier, un pescador, ambientalista, habitante del corregimiento aledaño a la ciénaga que lleva el nombre de "La Boquilla". Javier hace parte de una empresa comunitaria de ecoturismo en la cual prestan el servicio de paseos en canoa por este importante humedal de Cartagena. Maria Fernanda Patiño El maravilloso pescado de Vinã del Mar, Chile. Brunna Heine En el municipio Ipojuca del estado de Pernambuco en el noreste Brasilero se encuentra el Pontal de Maracaipe. En esta región, lugareños han protegido del desarrollo urbano al manglar y a la gran biodiversidad que se desarrolla en él. Para ello diversas actividades se desarrollan en esta área húmeda visando el desarrollo social y la conservación ambiental. Como se observa en la narrativa fotográfica, actividades turísticas de bajo impacto ambiental permiten que los lugareños obtengan beneficios económicos y de esta forma puedan beneficiarse de la conservación del manglar. Daniele Stillitani Quintela Farol de Mandacaru visto do Rio Preguiças, estado do Maranhão, Brasil. Denise Hiller Guimarães Fotografía de un ave en busca de alimentos en medio de la acumulación de residuos sólidos que se han arrojado en las orillas del Humedal del Complejo Lagunar Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta Dayana Carreño Tourists and locals enjoying the beach in a sustainable way. Cristine Huff Region with plenty of water, where residents use as most living fishing and farming. Yasmim Alves Araujo de Oliveira O município de Ribeirópolis possui uma área de 263 km², está inserido parcialmente na Bacia do rio Sergipe que integra a microrregião de Carira, situada na zona oeste, transição de Agreste com o Sertão. Assim como vários municípios que enfrentam problemas de escassez de água, o município de Ribeirópolis possui o açude do Cajueiro, este foi construído em 1956 com o propósito de reduzir a carência de água na região, possibilitando a convivência da população com a seca. O açude vem sendo usado ao longo do tempo para o abastecimento humano e animal, irrigação e criação de peixes. Aichha Carolina Pereira Lake Uru Uru, is the smaller brother of lake Poopó in the Oruro Department, Bolivia. Together they form a valuable RAMSAR-site since July 2002. A place where both, indigneous people and endemic and endangered birds, such as the Chilean flamingo, can find their foodAlthough this beautiful landscape seems perfect (as some the pictures may suggest): Blue water, open sky, nature and people living peacefuly together. There is also a counterside. Both the lakes got heavily contaminated because of various factors. Mining activities in the sorrounding region, bad management of sewer coming from te city of Oruro and a too low awareness about waste management. Due to the contamination hundreds of thousands of fish have died in November 2014. Meaning an inmense loss of food and economic resources for the local indigenous Uru population in the region. On top of that also the danger of extinction for the red list species and the local Uru people living in this area.On the field trip we where undertaking we met a girl walking along a deserted road going through the Lago Uru Uru area. Driving past the heavily contaminated wetlands this only dramaticised the whole picture. We took the girl with us to the farm she and her mother where working that day at the end of the road where the road ends in the Lago Uru Uru. The farm situated in the little traditional Uru-houses, only less than a mile away from the heavily contaminated fields, keeps both sheeps and cows living alongside of the lake. Also a large variety of bird-species can be spotted in this area. Delivering really pittoresque images. On the other hand stories were told by the farmer that the sheep were being born more and more in deformed way. Also the farms’ cows where faced with more and more miscarriages. The cause for these severe problems for the Uru-population is not really hard to find since the proof is literally around the corner. Laurens Eat devastating action of man , the Paraíba do Sul River reached the limit of their dry . One of the worst droughts in the history of the Paraiba do Sul River. Mateus Curty Água viva fotografada ao nascer do Sol na Praia de Porto de Galinhas. Paulo Roberto da Silva Junior Junior Roseate Spoonbill (Platalea ajaja) David Steinwender Coastline is changing. Mangroves along the coast are facing severe land use change due to unplanned city expansion, diminishing the ecosystem services these provide to society such as extreme tides control. Cartagena city, as many others located by the sea, is seriously threated by sea level rise and increase of extreme events frequency, and mangroves are natural barriers which reduce the impact of these phenomena. Unfortunately unplanned urban soil expansion is taking over this ecosystems, increasing the exposure of society to sea level change risks and demanding in the future expensive grey infrastructure based solutions for a problem which nature can help us to solve for free. Jorge Leon This photograph was taken at ESEC Taim (Taim Ecological Station), in the municipality of Santa Vitória do Palmar, Rio Grande do Sul state - Brazil. Pictured are included part of the fauna that is presevada the ecological station, as well as the native flora of the place. ESEC Taim aims to preserve a vast flooded area along with its fundamental elements such as fauna and flora. Eloisa Beal Mutzenberg O município de Ribeirópolis possui uma área de 263 km², está inserido parcialmente na Bacia do rio Sergipe que integra a microrregião de Carira, situada na zona oeste, transição de Agreste com o Sertão. Assim como vários municípios que enfrentam problemas de escassez de água, o município de Ribeirópolis possui o açude do Cajueiro, este foi construído em 1956 com o propósito de reduzir a carência de água na região, possibilitando a convivência da população com a seca. O açude vem sendo usado ao longo do tempo para o abastecimento humano e animal, irrigação e criação de peixes. Aichha Carolina Pereira Fotografía en medio del Humedal Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, que muestra cómo pobladores que viven a orillas de la ciénaga grande, desarrollan labores de extracción de recursos naturales de manera artesanal, para así tratar de no afectar al ecosistema que, actualmente, atraviesa una crisis de salinización. Dayana Carreño O ser humano se adapta e protege quando ele quer, águas preservadas pelo ser humano em constante sincronia com nossa humanidade... paulo jailton