Gallery 0 Results Reset All Close Manguezal no município de Apicum-Açú (MA) - Brasil Kerllon Amorim Caranguejo passeando entre as raízes dos mangues. Parque Estadual Ilha do Cardoso, São Paulo, Brasil. Viesba Leticia Manguezais na Baía de Guaratuba no Litora do Paraná, Brasil. Fernanda Sezerino Foto retirada do encontro do mangue com as águas da ilha coroa branca localizada próximo a comunidade de Itapema. Maria José Menezes Da Silva Life in Mangue Filipe Sacchetto De Castro Monteiro A raiz como suporte. Ecossistema Manguezal no Parque Estadual Ilha do Cardoso, São Paulo, Brasil. Viesba Everton Barra de Guaratiba's mangrove is the largest and most preserved mangrove of the city of Rio de Janeiro. It's ecologically and economically very important to the local people. Its habitants and restaurants rely on it as the main source of seafood to be both consumed or commerced. The extensive mangrove has two connections to the Atlantic ocean resulting in the beautiful formation of an over 30km long sandbank. Rodrigo Oliveira This photo shows a mangrove located in Morro de São Paulo in the state of Bahia. In addition to the typical plants of this ecosystem, we have many animals that need these habitats to reproduce and for food. Julia Guimarães Pequeno bosque de mangue (bosque iniciante), no Parque Estadual Ilha do Cardoso, São Paulo, Brasil. Viesba Everton Barra de Guaratiba's mangrove is the largest and most preserved mangrove of the city of Rio de Janeiro. It's ecologically and economically very important to the local people. Its habitants and restaurants rely on it as the main source of seafood to be both consumed or commerced. The extensive mangrove has two connections to the Atlantic ocean resulting in the beautiful formation of an over 30km long sandbank. Rodrigo Oliveira This photo shows the pollution in mangrove in Guanabara Bay, RJ. dandara bernardino bezerra Bosque de mangue no Parque Estadual Ilha do Cardoso, São Paulo, Brasil. Viesba Everton Acúmulo de água em formato de coração no Manguezal da Praia de Trancoso em Porto Seguro, Bahia/ Brasil. Talita Da Silva Dewes Talita This is a picture I took from an estuary in south Brazil, right when a kelp gull was trying to steal the cormorant. It was not successful. Lais Gliesch Silva