Gallery 0 Results Reset All Close It was named “Elephant Marsh” by the explorer David Livingstone in 1859, who counted as many as 800 elephants in one sighting. Nowadays the elephants are largely gone, but the Site supports over 20,000 waterbirds. Elephant Marsh Ramsar Site plays an important role in maintaining the valley’s hydrological regime, through flood control, water storage and supply of nutrient-rich sediment. Katherine Forsythe Ngiri-Tumba-Maindombe Ramsar Site is located around Lake Tumba in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The transboundary area containing one of the huge African carbon sinks through its peatland soils. Tionosoyiet Wetland is found in Kericho County. The wetland provides water filtration and purification services. This provided clean water for both human and livestock. Furthermore, it is also a recreational site for people visiting. From the picture you can see young children enjoy themselves at the wetland Lumiti Trotsky The view from Oddballs camp on Chief's Island in the Moremi Game Reserve. We were about to head out on a mokoro (canoe) trip. Larry Swatuk Utilisation de la zone humide La zone humide est utiliser pour fournir aux habitants de la ville de Bukavu les poissons appellent communément appellent sambaza (limnotricia myondom) et permet à cette population de voyager travers ce milieu pour aller à Goma ville de la province du Nord -Kivu.Conservation Ce milieu aide le monde entier pour réduire le réchauffement climatique, par contre ce milieu est male gérer par la population de la ville de Bukavu parce que on y jette les déchets de toutes sortes et ses déchets contribuent sur la mortalité élevée des poissons par conséquent s’amène une crise dans la ville de Bukavu.Mode de vie La population de la ville de Bukavu vivent grâce à la production de fretins(sambaza) et presque la moitié de l’une de ces trois commune qu’on trouvent dans la ville de Bukavu vive grâce à cette d’eau qu’ils utilisent pour la boissons(eau vive)et utilisation ménagères. Bonnet Freddy chibalonza Kampala is the capital city of Uganda and it is located in the central region of the country. It has an area of about 238 square kilometers, a big part of which was once a wetland. Geographically Kampala is referred to as a city of seven hills separated by valleys with swamps and streams also called wetlands. Today the wetlands in this area is on the verge of extinction as they are being threatened by the increasing population in the city. Nassanga Moureen Weaving of papyrus products is one of the sustainable livelihood activities that women in Siaya County are engaged in. The papyrus is harvested from Yala Swamp which is one of the few remaining extensive freshwater wetland in Kenya and also designated Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA). John Mwacharo Photo prise sur les berges du fleuve sangha, frontière et limite naturelle Cameroun Congo au port de pêche , illustrant les activités durables de pêche (poisson), de commerce du sable et besoins des populations riveraines. Elisabeth MBENG This image was taken at my hometown in Kisumu, Kenya on Lake Victoria. The image shows a fisherman heading to work. Yvonne Lyra Aoko Were Lutembe Bay Ramsar Site is situated at the mouth of Lake Victoria's Murchison Bay, this shallow area is almost completely cut-off from the main body of Lake Victoria by a C. papyrus island. Laura Máiz-Tomé The system plays an important hydrological role, with the swamps surrounding the Murchison Bay acting as natural filters for silt, sediments and excess nutrients in surface run-off, wastewaters from industries, and sewage from Kampala City. Laura Máiz-Tomé The site supports globally threatened species of birds, endangered Cichlid fish, and over 100 butterfly species, including three rare ones. It is a breeding ground for Clarias and lungfish, and regularly supports more than 52% of the White-winged Black Terns (Chlidonias leucopterus) population. Laura Máiz-Tomé Laura Máiz-Tomé Laura Máiz-Tomé Nature Uganda Laura Máiz-Tomé