Gallery 0 Results Reset All Close Gavkhouni Lake and marshes of the lower Zaindeh Rud Ramsar Site, Iran Tonle Sap lake in Cambodia. The Prek Toal Ramsar Site includes some of the most pristine floodplains in the Tonle Sap. Sorn Pheakdey Zhaling Lake Ramsar Site He Youfu Zhaling Lake Ramsar Site Ma Shenglu Eling Lake Ramsar Site Lin Kun Eling Lake Ramsar Site Wang Haifeng Inle Lake, Burma - Myanmar Aungko Win Chilika Lake, Orissa, India - Fishing in a boat Yus Rusila Noor Al Fattah Damselflies (Rhinocypha humeralis) play an important ecological role as they are one of the most visible indicators of the ecosystem health and biophysical conditions of wetland areas in which they breed. They are also helpful to potential human health risks by consuming mosquitoes and their larvae. They also eat other small invertebrates which make them valuable in controlling harmful insect populations. Loss of damselflies could have a ripple effect on food webs. Erickson Tabayag A wetland in Dhaka, many kinds of birds can bee seen here, especially birds like Great egret, Little Cormorant, Lesser Whistling Duck, Asian Openbill etc. People of this area are very conscious about these wild lives...I call it a Piece of Heaven. Shahriar Aman Agusan marsh, where mostly ethnic Manobos have made their permanent homes deep within the marsh. The marsh provides virtually everything the Manobos need. In the dark tea-colored waters live untold numbers of catfish, carp, soft-shell fresh water turtles, and crocodiles. Paula Sophia Tejada Dying Perur Lake,Tamil Nadu Riju Ghosh This photo was taken in Kompong Speu province, Cambodia. There is a rice field right next to the lake and, the all farmers use this water to help growing their farming work. Kimyean Ky This picture was taken in Namnama, Jones, Isabela, Philippines for Youth Wetlands Photo Contest. Zjaira Miguel I'm from a small but very lovely province called Marinduque which is also known as the heart of the Philippines. Jhonna Liza Medenilla Sharif Dana Abas Abaszadeh I'm from a small but very lovely province called Marinduque which is also known as the heart of the Philippines. Jhonna Liza Medenilla The white pelicans has become a permanent residents of the lake at Putrajaya Wetlands, which adding a foreign touch of nature to the local surroundings. Muhammad Faiz Fauzi A glimpse of an eye-soothing scenery taken at Sampaloc Lake Ken Dave Comendador Green pastures during the rainy season at Tanakeke Island Regista Rapa Abas Abaszadeh wetland for food and livelihood, adaptation at its best. Loktak lake, Manipur Johnson Laishram This a beautiful island in malang east java Ahmad Fariz Fajar Women more dependent on local wetlands, Loktak lake, Manipur, Ramsar wetlands...South Asian Forum for Environment, join hands for 'United voices sustainable solutions'. Amrita Chatterjee Sharif Dana there is Neor wetland in Ardabil province in Iran with 2500 meter Altitiude and 400 Hectar area Abas Abaszadeh