Gallery 0 Results Reset All Close Xe Champhone Wetlands. Local people engage in rice paddy farming, communal fishing, and cattle and water buffalo raising. Quoi Le Phat Much of the world’s food, essential for human health and well-being, comes from wetland ecosystems. Rice, grown in wetland paddies, is the staple diet of 3.5 billion people. Michael Abhiseka Wasesajati Rice fields in Philippines Yvonne Reiner Nc Kriza Villarico Siniloan wetlands Krisna Mae Artitchea Black-winged stilts at the paddy field. Ann Ereka Tabayag This way to the small house Ahmad Fariz Fajar Recently visited salt farms in Bhavnagar and Amerli districts in Saurashtra region of Gujarat.During the visit, got an opportunity to closely observe the lives of Agariya's (Salt workers) and their struggle for survival. Bhushan Reddy Travailleuse H'mong (minorité ethnique du Viet Nam) dans les rizières des hauts des montagnes de Sa Pa, Viet Nam Charlotte Devitre plowing paddy rice field using buffal Atsushi TANABE