Gallery 0 Results Reset All Close Gavkhouni Lake Given its huge biodiversity value, the lake was declared Ramsar Site in 1990 Jammu and Kashmir Ministry for forests, environment and ecology Xe Champhone Wetlands Ramsar Convention Ras Al Khor Ramsar Site Francesca Negrini Dubai's skyline over Ras Al Khor Ramsar Site Francesca Negrini Francesca Negrini Dubai skyline, Ras Al Khor Ramsar Site Francesca Negrini Aerial view of the Mai Po Inner Deep Bay Ramsar Site Ramsar Convention The Sundarbans in Bangladesh is part of the world’s largest mangrove forest, lying on the delta of the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna rivers and bordering India’s Sundarbans National Park, also a Ramsar Site. IUCN / Mizuki Murai I captured this one best time i had with this children, they are swimming and fishing in the wet muddy lake. These children belongs to a minor tribe "Bla'an" found in South Cotabato. Jobert Espino School Children Celebrate World Wetlands Day in Sri Lanka SriLanka This picture was taken from Western Siem Pang Area of Stung Treng Province, Cambodia. It is one among several sandbars in this province, where River Tern is using for their habitat during the breeding and hatching season. Chandara Phat Abas Abaszadeh The Modern Green Fingers. This kid is planting Mangrove Tree for his and everyone's future. To sustain the different species that exist at Balanga City Wetland Park. Michael Jeffrey Carlos Camilla Chalmers, Head of Communciations Ramsar Secretariat joins primary school children in the city of Ramsar to celebrate World Wetlands Day 2016.6 Ramsar Convention This unique style of rowing boat by leg is the special tradition of the Intha people who live in Inle Lake ,potential wetland site because standing provides the better a view for the rower while the lake normally covered by reeds and floating plants. Seint Seint Tokyo Tidal Flats Yatsuhigata Ramsar Convention on Wetlands Capayang, Mogpog, Marinduque Jhonna Liza Medenilla Mangroves in Puerto Princesa City, Palawan. Hijanel Umiten Acting Secretary General Ania Grobicki and Her Excellency Dr. Masoumeh Ebtekar, the Governor General of Isfahan signing the commitment for Ramsar Wise Use Principles Ramsar Convention Solduz Wetlands, Iran Ramsar Convention Dingalan, Aurora Jovene Mike Alpuerto Visit to Lake Hinuma Ramsar Convention on Wetlands aras river, Ardabil, Iran Abas Abaszadeh Hyogo Park of the Oriental Stork Ramsar Convention on Wetlands He sells sea shells by the sea shore. Melanie Gaspa A grandfather take his grandchildren around the wetland surrounded with mangroves and nipas. Joylyn Ty