Gallery 0 Results Reset All Close humedales corregimiento lorica nariño palo de agua Bleiner David Avila Itatiaia`s National Park , a very important area , also known as the "pallace of waters " because of more than 80 river sources found there. This picture shows one of many small wetlands in the park , located in front of prateleira´s pick , one of most famous mountains in Brazil. Pedro Graminha Yuri Paola Olavez Martinez Humedales De Nuestro Corregimiento Y Sus Alrededores Maria Cristina Doria Lopez Unity College, Caloundra students frog pond planting for World Wetland Day 2015 to create frog habitat as well as help protect the Pumicestone Passage - Ramsar wetland area. Steevens Simone Unity College, Caloundra students frog pond planting for World Wetland Day 2015 to create frog habitat as well as help protect the Pumicestone Passage - Ramsar wetland area. Steevens Simone REGUA (Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu), Cachoeiras de Macacu-RJ, Brasil. Jairo Farias By the light of the rising sun We are able to see that preserve the nature is a must. Rafael Teixeira