Gallery 0 Results Reset All Close Green pastures during the rainy season at Tanakeke Island Regista Rapa The happy Jacksnipe for better future. Vojtěch Šťastný Abas Abaszadeh Old fisherman's village, named Karuč, at Skadar Lake. Montenegro Maja Radulovic Beautiful native woodland that grows along the northern shores of Lough Derg, the largest and and last lake on the River Shannon system. Woodland growing in open sided environments such as this, is confronted by exposure to the elements that have gathered force over large waters and the confrontation of tree growth and harsh conditions is evident in the weather-beaten profiles. Edmund Burke wetland for food and livelihood, adaptation at its best. Loktak lake, Manipur Johnson Laishram Wetlands attract all sorts of bird life. The black swan raises its family here as it provides food and protection. This mother did a wonderful job of raising her young, all made it to adulthood. I have been quite attached to these birds so watching them grow up was lovely. Tara Swan humedal cordoba- colegio john dewey. Anita Ortegon Wetlands generally support an important Wetlands biodiversity and in many cases provide critical habitat for critically endangered species. Los humedales generalmente sustentan una importante diversidad biológica y en muchos casos constituyen hábitats críticos para especies seriamente amenazadas. Leer más: Modesto Ricardo Contreras González Brabrand lake sunset... Zuzana Polaic Unity College, Caloundra students frog pond planting for World Wetland Day 2015 to create frog habitat as well as help protect the Pumicestone Passage - Ramsar wetland area. Steevens Simone Em um lago de uma reserva, a Estação Ecológica da Juréia Itatins, localizada em Iguape SP, onde avistei esse caranguejo. Áreas Húmidas ! Muniz Honorato Vanessa This is Pekapeka Swamp, south of Hastings, New Zealand. It is being restored back to its former glory by the local council who recognise its importance. Rachel Hyde The photos were taken in the Subject Area for Conservation Ecology Lagoon System Catazaja and La Libertad, Chiapas, Mexico. Las fotos fueron tomadas en la Zona Sujeta a Conservación Ecología Sistema Lagunar Catazaja y La Libertad, Chiapas, Mexico Ana Patricia Estrada López The Seven Rila Lakes are a group of lakes of glacial origin (glacial lakes), situated in the northwestern Rila Mountains in Bulgaria. The lakes are situated between 2,100 and 2,500 metres elevation above sea level. Babreka ("The Kidney") is the lake with the steepest shores of the entire group. Emilia Jankova This beautiful lake transmits peace and joy. Es un hermoso lugar que transmite paz y alegría. Guadarrama Monserratt This a beautiful island in malang east java Ahmad Fariz Fajar Lake Azuei, Domiinican Republic Alan Cupil Diaz Páramo Santa Barbara - Humedal Lago de Tota, Aquitania, Boyacá, Colombia. María Del Pilar Lemus Gutiérrez Lagoa Dom Helvécio em Parque Estadual do Rio Doce, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Sátiva Oliveira Fernandes Unity College, Caloundra students frog pond planting for World Wetland Day 2015 to create frog habitat as well as help protect the Pumicestone Passage - Ramsar wetland area. Steevens Simone Italy, Auronzo di Cadore Ana-Maria Gore Women more dependent on local wetlands, Loktak lake, Manipur, Ramsar wetlands...South Asian Forum for Environment, join hands for 'United voices sustainable solutions'. Amrita Chatterjee Gippsland Lakes Ramsar Site, Australia Official site for Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Blair Mchattie Pamela Aline Garcia Sharif Dana