Gallery 0 Results Reset All Close Manzanillo Colima, Mexico. Michelle Akatzia Hernández Romo Shivam Kapil Ghodrati Fereshteh EL futuro de nuestros hijos, el futuro de la humanidad, nuestro legado. Este es el humedal Videles ubicado en el departamento del Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Juan Sebastian Bermudez Salcedo Estação Ecológica do Taim - RS - Brasil Rodrigo Barbosa Fontana Pantanal-Mato Grosso, Brasil É maravilhoso as ações da natureza, uma beleza que encanta. Gabriela Rech Native and migratory birds come to these wetlands of Xochimilco-Tlahuac to feed. Aves nativas y migratorias vienen a estos humedales de Xochimilco-Tlahuac para alimentarse de las especies que habitan ahí. Son fuente de vida y control de especies. Maleny Cedillo Inclán Prespa Lake Hristijan Trajcevski Cado Lake, Texas Amber Cole El descuido de Humedales no solo pone en riesgo la vida, sino la cultura. Abdías Noé Pérez Corzo I took this photo at the Pekapeka Wetlands, near to my hometown of Hastings, New Zealand. These wetlands have had a revamping in recent years. Floyd Pepper Likvan wetland Kazemi Aynaz Caddo Lake Texas Amber Cole Urdini lakes are a group of 6 cirque lakes, located in Urdiniya cirque, situated in north-western Rila, north of Damga peak. The highest lake is at 2375 m altitude. Hristo Terziyski Andréia Weber Are Umida em São João do Oriente Lucas Yuri Lake Paladru, Isere, France called "Blue Lake" is the 5th largest natural lake in France. Some of its parts are classified "protected natural areas". These are preferred sites for nesting birds (mallards, swans, coots and grebes) and therefore remain inaccessible. Lac de Paladru, Isère, France Surnommé "Le Lac Bleue", c'est le 5ème plus grand lac naturel de France. Plusieurs de ses espaces sont classés « zones naturelles protégées ». Ils constituent le lieu privilégié de nidification des oiseaux (colverts, cygnes, foulques ou grèbes huppés) et restent donc inaccessibles. Théo Dellarota ''Bombina variegata'' is a rare kind of frog with a yellow spot on its belly and an interesting voice. It lives in small puddles in shadows near forests or meadows. If they feel in in danger, they hide deeper in the water or pretend to be dead (they show their yellow spot on their belly). On the photo you can also see its eggs/spawn. Nika Udovič Everglades National Park is a U.S. National Park in Florida Daysi Umpierre Parque do Bariri, Pará de Minas - MG. As águas do parque abrigam espécies que, com sua beleza, sensibilizam as pessoas a praticarem a conservação da natureza. Araújo Mércia A photo of sunset at Lake Gairdner in the arid Gawler Ranges of South Australia. When flooded the Lake becomes the fourth largest in Australia at over 160 km in length. This is a phenomenal sight given that the region is totally devoid of any free water, surface water and groundwater for the majority of the year. Mccarron Victoria Germany is very famous for its great environmental work. Norderney where the picture was taken, is a unique intertidal ecosystem and is very important for migratory bird species. Carole Moncoquet Chapala Lake. Lago de chapala Ricardo Teniente Celebrating world wetlands day in lorestan province. This meeting held in decumple wetlands in poldokhtar area. Participators were members of network of environmental NGOS ‘yungs students’ local communities’ and government agencies. they wisited Wetlands and environs them. They also participated I-day trining workshop as “ wetlands values and functions†include:biodiversity’ resources sustainability and usage of local Communities. then they presented in birth watching . Babak Alvandian Lake Wendouree, Ballarat - this lake is the focal point of the community, and has been revived after being stricken by drought for many years. Brent Henriksen This is a photo of the Black-winged stilt in Zakher Lake in AlAlin city in AbuDhabi, United Arab Emirates. Alqasimi Badder Sharif Dana