Gender and Wetlands: New Factsheet

29 August 2023
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A new factsheet: Gender Equality and the Sustainability of Wetlands provides a concise summary of key operational and practical entry points to increase understanding and facilitate the mainstreaming of gender in the implementation of the Convention on Wetlands.

Derived from the Guidance on Mainstreaming Gender Under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands published in 2021, the Factsheet is for Contracting Parties and individuals with an interest in gender equality and how to increase the inclusion and participation of women in wetland initiatives.

It highlights  four entry points when initiating gender mainstreaming efforts, presents a checklist of eight golden rules and includes a glossary of commonly used gender terms.

Contracting Parties to the Convention on Wetlands adopted Resolution XIII.18 on Gender and Wetlands, the first Resolution that recognizes the importance of addressing gender equality and women’s empowerment in the implementation of the Convention.

Women, including indigenous and local women, play a crucial role in the provision, management, and safeguarding of wetlands. Paying special attention to their specific needs is important.

Realizing gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls is essential to making progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 5 and all other goals.

The development of the Factsheet was made possible with funding from the Norwegian Environment Agency.

Visit the webpage on Gender and Wetlands to learn more.