The Ramsar Wetland Conservation Awards
Ramsar Wetland Conservation Awards and Evian Special Prize by Danone
Established in 1996, the Ramsar Wetland Conservation Awards celebrate and recognize individuals and organizations for contributions towards promoting the conservation and wise use of wetlands.
Award recipients receive the Evian Special Prize of USD 10,000 provided by Danone.
The Award Categories
- The Ramsar Wetland Conservation Award for Innovation: recognizing a person, project, programme, or policy that has contributed to the conservation and wise use of wetlands through an innovative technique or approach.
- The Ramsar Wetland Conservation Award for Young Wetland Champions: recognizing an individual or group of young people aged between 18 and 30 years for contributions to the conservation, wise use, and restoration of wetlands.
- The Ramsar Wetland Indigenous Peoples Conservation and Wise Use Award: recognizing groups or individuals for outstanding leadership and transformative projects led by or involving indigenous peoples.
See the announcement of the winners of the ninth edition here.
Featured documents
13 November 2022
Resolution XIV.9: The Ramsar Wetland Conservation Awards
18 January 1996