Global Wetland Outlook
Global Wetland Outlook (2018)
Conservation and wise use of wetlands are vital for human livelihoods. The wide range of ecosystem services wetlands provide means that they lie at the heart of sustainable development. Yet policy and decision-makers often underestimate the value of their benefits to nature and humankind.
Understanding these values and what is happening to wetlands is critical to ensuring their conservation and wise use. The Global Wetland Outlook summarizes wetland extent, trends, drivers of change and the steps needed to maintain or restore their ecological character.
Special Edition 2021
The Global Wetland Outlook: Special Edition 2021 was prepared on the occasion of the Convention’s 50th anniversary.
Drawing on more than 30 major global and regional assessments and other recent scientific findings, it describes the pandemic and its implications; trends in wetlands since 2018; lessons for wetland wise use and protection; and how the Convention on Wetlands can be leveraged to address challenges facing wetlands.