Webinar: Agriculture and Wetlands
The Secretariat of the Convention on Wetlands organised a webinar on “Wetlands and Agriculture: Transformative actions for sustainable agricultural practices and the wise use of wetland” on 12 and 13 July, 2022.
Building on insights from science and experiences of Contracting Parties to the convention, the webinar promoted a dialogue on effective actions to transition away from non-sustainable agricultural practices and ensure wise use of wetlands.
During the webinar, participants:
- Learnt about the new resources produced by the Scientific and Technical Review Panel (STRP) of the Convention: Policy Brief No.6 Transforming agriculture to sustain people and wetlands, and Briefing Note No. 13 Wetlands and agriculture - impacts of farming practices and pathways to sustainability.
- Got an insight into National Actions responding to anticipated impacts of climate change on wetlands and agriculture presented by several Contracting Parties.
- Engaged in a discussion on further actions needed to reverse the trend of wetland loss and degradation while simultaneously providing food security.