Work of the Panel
The work of the STRP is guided by a triennial work plan built around the terms and thematic work areas in Resolution XIV.14: Future implementation of scientific and technical aspects of the Convention for 2023-2025, requests by Contracting Parties in COP Resolutions and the Strategic Plan of the Convention.
Five STRP thematic work areas for the 2023-2025 triennium are defined in Resolution XIV.14, Annex 2:
- Thematic Work Area 1: Wetlands of International Importance, development of the Site network and application of criteria.
- Thematic Work Area 2: Tools for wetland assessment, mapping and monitoring, and development of inventories.
- Thematic Work Area 3: Direct and climate-change-related pressures on wetlands, their impacts and responses.
- Thematic Work Area 4: Wise use, sustainable management and restoration of wetlands in the wider landscape/seascape.
- Thematic Work Area 5: Cross-cutting issues, supporting functions, and synergies with other MEAs.
If you are interested in contributing to any of the five thematic work areas of the STRP, please contact the Scientific and Technical Support Officer at STRP@ramsar.org.