Award for Young Wetland Champions 2018
Youth Climate Action Network for Samoa (YCAN)
YCAN has made significant contributions for wetlands, especially in local communities and for young people in Samoa. Their achievements include; Mangrove rehabilitation and restoration through planting of mangroves as well as the removal of waste. They installed rubbish stands in villages to prevent people from dumping waste in the wetland. Coral reef rehabilitation.
YCAN undertook crown of thorns starfish control operations to relieve pressure on corals, they furthermore undertook awareness raising on mangroves and coral reefs highlighting the roles of these wetlands for climate change adaptation and mitigation in communities. In addition, they carried out river tree planting to help rehabilitate one of the biggest rivers in Samoa and combat erosion. They have also undertaken tree planting as well as tagging and releasing turtles—an iconic and endangered coral reef species-- back into the wild from captivity.