The Convention on Wetlands at CBD COP16
Wetlands are invaluable ecosystems and host exceptional biodiversity. Protecting, restoring and wisely using wetlands is critical to achieve the goals and targets included in the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Ahead of The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) COP16, 21 October – 1 November 2024, the Convention on Wetlands is sharing new resources on this.
New Publications:
A Brief, attached below, on the Convention on Wetlands identifies how wetland wise use, protection and restoration can be harnessed to deliver biodiversity outcomes.
A new Policy Brief and Technical Report prepared by the Scientific and Technical Review Panel underscore the importance of integrating ambitious wetland targets and policies into National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) and provide guidance on how to do so.
COP16 Events:
The Secretariat of the Convention on Wetlands is organizing several events during COP 16:
- The 2050 Vision and Wetlands; Co-organized with the government of Colombia, 21 October, 13:20 GMT-5; Paramos - NGOs meeting room, Plaza One;
- Watering NBSAPs: Incorporating wetland action into National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans for nature, people and climate; Co-organized with Wetlands International and other IOPs, 21 October, 18:00 GMT-5, Sumapaz - JUSCANZ meeting room, Plaza One;
- Forest and Water Day; Co-organized with the CBD Secretariat, UNEP, UN-Water and UNDP, 25 October, KMGBF Pavilion;
The Secretariat is also contributing to the following events:
- Multilateral Collaboration in a Regional Biodiversity Conservation Strategy; 25 October, 10:00 GMT-5, Chiribiquete - Asia and the Pacific meeting room, Plaza One
- The Freshwater Challenge; 25 October, 18:00 GMT-5, Cocora - Subnational and Local Authorities meeting room, Plaza One
- The 8th Summit for Subnational Governments and Cities; 26 October, 16:30 GMT-5, Plenary Room / Working Group Room 1 in Blue Zone
- Perspectives on the One Health approach: what's next in linking environmental, biodiversity, and human health sectors in the planetary crisis era?; 27 October, 15:00 GMT-5
- Mobilizing the biodiversity-related Conventions on the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework; 28 October, 13:20 GMT-5, Pacifico - Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities meeting room, Plaza One