COP12: Information, Resolutions and Proceedings
The 12th meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties (COP12) was held from 1 to 9 June 2015 at Punta del Este, Uruguay. This page includes all the information and documents shared in advance of the meeting, the Resolutions approved, and the remaining proceedings including the conference report, the lists of participants and the presentations made at the event.
Summary proceedings
The proceedings of the Conference and the documents submitted are shown below, in PDF compilations and downloadable zip files. The Secretariat can send a USB flash drive with all these files: please contact Montse Riera, riera[at]ramsar.org.
The National Reports which Contracting Parties submitted to COP12 are in the documents library here. Links to YouTube videos on the Conference and on the Ramsar Award winners are included here. And the summary highlights of the meeting by the Earth Negotiations Bulletin, including photos and daily reports, are here.