Gallery 0 Resultados Reset All Close Rio Araguaia, cidade de São José dos Bandeirantes. Temos como um das principais fontes de renda para a população o nosso querido Araguaia que fortalece a economia dos moradores, ribeirinhos e áreas próximas. O Turismo se impulsiona entre maio a setembro e também oferece boas oportunidades, pois todos se esforçam para mostrar as belezas do município. Quando o Rio está cheio é sinal de fartura, pois é nesse período que turistas chegam para apreciar a paisagem, os animais e em busca de paz, resultando na movimentação da renda da cidade. Milena MileGomes Fisher women laying her fishing nets. Rishav Adhikari This image was taken at my hometown in Kisumu, Kenya on Lake Victoria. The image shows a fisherman heading to work. Yvonne Lyra Aoko Were Horse among the salt marsh in the Rachel Carson Reserve, in Beaufort, North Carolina, east coast of United States. Management of these wild horses has been successful in this coastal wetland reserve since 1990's. Photo taken in June, 2014. Rafaela Granzotti A mangrove newly planted last February 5, 2016 along the coastline of Glan, Sarangani Province in the Philippines. Behind it are the tetrapod placed to protect these mangrove from big waves. Mary Grace Yuen Laguting Pescador Artesanal voltando da cidade e indo para comunidade, depois de um dia de pesca e comercialização de pescado Mirelly Lacerda Pinheiro Fishermen at sunrise. Nícolas Schukkel Lake Synevyr Synevyr - the largest natural lake in the Ukrainian Carpathians, one of Seven Wonders of Ukraine. It lies between the mountains, among spruce forest at an altitude of 989 meters above sea level, near the village of Polyana Synevyrska. Besides the well-known version of the formation of the lake that caused by the legendary figures of the Syn’ and Vir, scientists says that lake was formed as a result of rock falls that blocked the valley of mountain streams. It happened about 10 - 11 thousand years ago. And now we have the opportunity to admire a lake with an island in the middle. Maryana Herba women collecting leaves and flowers of lotus to sell in the market for their livelihood. Wetlands are essential for the sustainable livelihood of millions of people all over the world . #save wetlands #save earth adarsh prathap Paddling outrigger race in the city harbour Luama Yoshida Se está secando, lo están parcelando, botan escombros. Se necesitan más observadores para que se detenga el descuido de la humedales que albergan una biodiversidad impresionante de todo tipo de especies. françois molinett Traditional fishing sailing boat at sunset. Paul-André Beaugier Floating boats Diana Radulescu Fotografía que resalta los humedales Altoandinos, denominados locamente como Bofedales, del Parque Nacional Sajama. En la región prestan importantes e insustituibles servicios ecosistémicos, como ser: provisión de agua dulce, provisión de forraje, regulación de regímenes hidrológicos y hábitat de biodiversidad, entre otros. Irina Cabrerizo Suaznabar Women taking a bath in Begnas lake, Nepal. Rishav Adhikari An usual morning at Sarichioi. Alina Verban Vereda is a type of water land. This picture was taken in National Park of Chapada dos Veadeiros in Brazil. The park is the way of protect this kind of waterland. Preserving it to future. isis Terra Flamingos enjoying the solitude of the highlands in Laguna del Negro Francisco Ramsar Site, Parque Nacional Nevado de Tres Cruces, Chile. Vicente Weippert I captured this one best time i had with this children, they are swimming and fishing in the wet muddy lake. These children belongs to a minor tribe "Bla'an" found in South Cotabato. Jobert Espino Prespa Lake Teuta Dzezair This picture was taken from Western Siem Pang Area of Stung Treng Province, Cambodia. It is one among several sandbars in this province, where River Tern is using for their habitat during the breeding and hatching season. Chandara Phat The magic of wetland. Vojtěch Šťastný Abas Abaszadeh The Modern Green Fingers. This kid is planting Mangrove Tree for his and everyone's future. To sustain the different species that exist at Balanga City Wetland Park. Michael Jeffrey Carlos Magareca Island, a part of Belene Kompleks Island Kameliya Bairaktarova Amanda Conceição This photo was taken in one of the most famous rivers of Brazil, the Tietê River in Sao Paulo. Known for the huge amount of pollution, near big cities this water receives hundreds of tons of garbage every day. But, away from metropolises, it’s possible to see the real river trying to beat its destruction. Tietê, in a brazilian indian language called Tupi, means “true water”. Natalia Castanho