Gallery 0 Resultados Reset All Close Children of tomorrow enjoying the evening breeze, with the warm reflection of the sun sitting at the horizon. A panoramic view of Apia harbour, Samoa. Maria Kerstin Erison Monteiro "messolonghi greece" Λιμνοθάλασσα Μεσολογγίου Katerina Kousouri Yuri Paola Olavez Martinez Farias Da Silva Paula Elayane Humpback whales often fish in the Canadian coast. To better escape, sardines form great "bait balls", as they are called, and swim close to the surface. When that happens, a large flock of seagulls gather and often engage in fights for the right of fishing in specific spots. Leonardo Ramos Mayara Patriota Humedales del Arroyo Maldonado- La Barra, Uruguay Camila Febles YS Falls Found Only In Jamaica. Mellissa Reeves Ethan Staats is a M.Sc. graduate student at Virginia Commonwealth University studying biology. His research interests include predator-prey interaction ecology, Wetlands biodiversity and ecosystems function, and evolutionary biology, and he has worked with aquatic macro-invertbrates in his research. He believes that photography is a good way to communicate the beauty and uniqueness found in nature. Ethan Staats The beautiful Rattray Marsh Conservation area: located in Mississauga, Ontario-Canada (Fall 2013) Lucia Salvati The white pelicans has become a permanent residents of the lake at Putrajaya Wetlands, which adding a foreign touch of nature to the local surroundings. Muhammad Faiz Fauzi Esta es Laguna Negra, una de las tantas lagunas que se encuentran dentro del sistemas de Paramos de Boyacá, Colombia. Diego Alejandro Satizábal Alarcón Lagoa dos Patos, Rio Grande do Sul Tomazelli Joana Wetland cityscape. Tanner Sophia A wetland near Dhaka, Bangladesh..some sort of birds like egrets, herons can be found here...very beautiful place and I love it. Shahriar Aman This photo is taken in Krani, Macedonia. Sara Ristevska Mirror-road. Wetland in Luhasoo bog. Tuule Müürsepp Milena Castro De Azevedo I took this picture at the back of our house. Pimentel Seth Sou um fotórgrafo de casamento e nas horas vagas dedico-me à fotos de paisagem e cotidiano da cidade! Jonathan Borba Mangroves of United Arab Emirates Khalifa Humaid Alsaadi Penedo, Itatiaia - RJ Caroline Pereira A natureza sendo redundante em Bonito, Mato Grosso do Sul - Brasil. Eliana Aparecida Ferreira Wetlands monitoring Ramsar Site No. 1602 "Wetlands and Mangroves of Tuxpan" in Veracruz, Mexico. Monitoreo de los humedales herbaceos del Sitio Rmsar N°1602 "Humedales y Manglares de Tuxpan" en Veracruz, México. Alan Cupil Diaz Picture taken in the Gallocanta (Aragon, Spain). This lake is the largest natural lake in the Iberian Peninsula and the largest saltwater lagoon in Europe, standing out for their concentrations of Common Crane, which makes this one of the largest lagoon in Europe as habitat for this species. Gallocanta Lake with its lights, wildlife and sunsets is a perfect place for photographers and nature lovers.Fotografía tomada en la Laguna de Gallocanta (Aragon, España). Esta laguna es la mayor laguna natural de la península ibérica y la mayor laguna de agua salada de Europa, destacándose por sus concentraciones de Grulla común, que hacen de esta laguna uno de los mayores dormideros de Europa para dicha especie. La laguna de Gallocanta con sus luces, fauna y atardeceres se consolida como un perfecto escenario para fotógrafos y amantes de la naturaleza. Agustín Catalán Gracia Quentin Werry