Gallery 0 Resultados Reset All Close Contemplar su belleza, es parte de su conservación Juan Pablo Collazos González The significance of wetlands as a source of water, food and ecosystem services for human needs. Maria Kerstin The Seven Rila Lakes are a group of lakes of glacial origin (glacial lakes), situated in the northwestern Rila Mountains in Bulgaria. The lakes are situated between 2,100 and 2,500 metres elevation above sea level. Babreka ("The Kidney") is the lake with the steepest shores of the entire group. Emilia Jankova Sunset at the Cadimahan River, Roxas City, Capiz Rubi Ann Repil A Baía de Guaratuba - Paraná, é um dos indicados a se tornar um sítio Ramsar, devido a sua importância ambiental e interesse ecológico. Entre o cultivo sustentável de ostras, a pesca e o turismo, como os principais meios de sobrevivência da população, a baía ainda abriga os chamados sambaquis, que são montes compostos principalmente por ossos fossilizados, moluscos, conchas e utensílios utilizados por povos que habitaram o litoral do Brasil na Pré-História. Annelise Nascimento The Salmon Run is the event when the salmon swim from the sea all the way up the rivers ending up in the same spot where they were born, where they will spawn and die. They not only stop eating during this no-return journey, they also face numerous perils, that range from their very fatigue to eagles and bears. There is an entire ecosystem built around this cycle: not only animals eat them, but as they all die, they serve as nutrients to the forests that grow in the region, having brought organic matter and minerals from the oceans. Is is important for us to know that cycle and it's importance, for the large fishing of salmon is a great threat not only to them, but to the ecosystem that thrives around them. Ramos Leonardo Brejinho de Nazaré Mayara Patriota Humedales del Arroyo Maldonado, La Barra, Uruguay Camila Febles YS Falls Found Only In Jamaica Mellissa Reeves A newly discovered perfect sidetrip in Pawikan(Sea Turtle) Conservation and Protection Center . A 30-minute lazy boat ride through the nipas and verdant mangroves which were planted 10 years ago by Mang Danny (in blue shirt), pawikan hatchery caretaker. Joylyn Ty River Forth, Stirlingshire, Scotland Bell Morgan As praias do Rio Trombetas - PA, Brasil Paula Carolina Paes Guarido This is a American Alligator in Big Cypress swamp in South Florida during the early morning mist. Zane Johnson Tomazelli Joana Wet area in Amazon Bruna Toscano The incredible waters of the Danube Milian Milev This beautiful lake transmits peace and joy. Es un hermoso lugar que transmite paz y alegría. Guadarrama Monserratt Thats one nice view of one conservation area cold Rio Ouro Preto ( Black gold river) in my city, also thats one of the oldest conservationa area that has people living and using in Brazil. Francisco Kelvim Nobre Da Silva La foto fue tomada durante un curso de manejo costero cerca de Utila, Honduras. Verónica Bojorque Reserva de Mar chiquita, foto dónde me enfoque en mostrar más la laguna, dónde comparte espacio con el mar. Emilce Nadina Lobos Blossoming of Life - Along the border of Australia, you are surrounded by nature. With the coast on one side and countless marshes and wildlife species on the other! Russell Connor Sou um fotógrafo de casamento e nas horas vagas dedico-me à fotos de paisagem e cotidiano da cidade! Jonathan Borba Batak dam is located in the Rhodope Mountains in Bulgaria. Doroteya Galbacheva This a beautiful island in malang east java Ahmad Fariz Fajar Humedal del Arroyo Maldonado, Uruguay. 23/02/2015. Tania Sampayo Lake Azuei, Domiinican Republic Alan Cupil Diaz Reserva Nacioinal de Paracas Yuki Ozaki