Gallery 0 Resultados Reset All Close Native and migratory birds come to these wetlands of Xochimilco-Tlahuac to feed. Aves nativas y migratorias vienen a estos humedales de Xochimilco-Tlahuac para alimentarse de las especies que habitan ahí. Son fuente de vida y control de especies. Maleny Cedillo Inclán Cado Lake, Texas Amber Cole Libélula en las Lagunas de Montebello, Parque Nacional y Sitio Ramsar del Estado de Chiapas. Ernesto Isaías Aguilar Camacho Caddo Lake Texas Amber Cole Mangrove roots Daniela Garcia De Quevedo Raymundo Mangrove Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo Jesús Gilberto Hau Azcorra Photo taken in Laguna Terms Campeche. The photograph shows the connection of children with this type of ecosystem, these children only with a small boat had fun on the banks of the lagoon. Foto tomada en Laguna de Términos Campeche. La fotografía representa la conexión de los niños con este tipo de ecosistemas, estos niños sólo con un pequeño bote se divertían a las orillas de la laguna. Que los niños aprecien y disfruten de los humedales es vital para su conservación presente y futura. Rubén Muñoz De Cote Hernández Alec Batts Everglades National Park is a U.S. National Park in Florida Daysi Umpierre A child enjoys a wetland in Mintzita, Mexico Ricardo Enrique Núñez Ramírez Chapala Lake. Lago de chapala Ricardo Teniente Tide pools on coast of seldovia AK running out toward the sea. Home to a variety of sea creatures including sea stars, sea snails, and octopi. Whales, otters, and puffin live in the water of the coast and birds nest in the rock cliff near the waters edge. The habitat has been protect by the seldovia village tribe and the area supports a healthy population of bald eagles and other endangered species on the land and in the sea. Emily Shirtz christchurch school waterfront, VA Hao Iris San Gregorio Atlapulco Xochimilco, Mexico City. Lourdes Villalba Cabrera An alligator bathing in the sunlight Bethany Soileau Alec Batts This is a glass frog near a stream in Western Ecuador. This species is about the size of a dime and they wait for seasonal rains to breed and lay their eggs Zane Johnson Wetlands in Watsonville, California at sunset. Danielle Karonis