Gallery 0 Resultados Reset All Close UAE delegates Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB Secretary General, Martha Rojas Urrego, presents the Global Wetland Outlook Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB Ramsar Convention Secretary General, Martha Rojas Urrego Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB L-R: delegates Ana Paula Leite Prates and Luciana Melchert from Brazil Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB L-R: delegates Marcela Torres, Martin Vega, and María Lorena Ortiz, Ecuador Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB Delegates from Colombia and Australia consulting Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB Delegates Jaime González and Anayeli Cabrera Murrieta, Mexico Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB COP13 delegates formulating language on the resolution on agriculture Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB L-R: Diane Klaimi, UNEP; Martha Rojas Urrego, Ramsar Secretary General; Elizabeth Mrema, UNEP; and Katharina Rogalla von Bieberstein, UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC) Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB Jane Madgwick, Wetlands International speaking at the COP13 Opening Ceremony Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB Peter Thomson, UN Special Envoy for the Ocean; and Martha Rojas Urrego, Ramsar Secretary General at the special event "UN Conference Community of Ocean Action on Mangroves" Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB His Excellency Dr. Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, Minister of Climate Change and Environment speaking at the COP13 Opening Ceremony Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB L-R: Elizabeth Mrema, UNEP; Peter Thomson, UN Special Envoy for the Ocean; Martha Rojas Urrego, Ramsar Secretary General; and Stewart Maginnis, IUCN Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB Recipients of Ramsar Awards, L-R: Cosme Morillo, Fundación Global Nature, Spain; Jorge Rucks, Vice Minister of Housing, Territorial Planning and Environment, Uruguay; Samantha Kwan, Youth Climate Action Network, Samoa; Martha Rojas Urrego, Ramsar Secretary General; and Ma Guangren, Director General, China Wetland Conservation Association Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB Royal Gardner, STRP Chair, presenting the STRP report to COP13 Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB COP13 Chair His Excellency Mohamed Al Afkham, Director General, Fujairah Municipality, Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB Delegates from Colombia and Australia Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB L-R: delegates Cynthia Silva Maturana and Gustavo Rey, Bolivia Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB L-R: delegates Jittinun Ruengverayudh and Wanlop Preechamart, Thailand Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB Delegates from South Africa Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB L-R: delegates Namjilmaa Battulga and Sundev Gombobaatar , Mongolia Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB L-R: delegates Laura Bermudez, Francisco Arias, María Claudia Vélez Crismatt, and Paula Sierra, Colombia Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB L-R: delegates Arnel Talisayon, Joy Navarro, Marlynn Mendoza, and Ipat Luna, the Philippines Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB Delegate Hiba Al Shehhi, UAE Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB The Ramsar City Accreditation recipients Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB Four French cities: Amiens, Courteranges, Pont Audemer and Saint Omer received Ramsar Wetland City Accreditation Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB Four cities in Republic of Korea received Wetlands City Accreditation. These cities are Changnyeong, Inje, Jeju, Suncheon Franz Dejon| IISD/ENB