Gallery 0 Resultados Reset All Close Lew Young Plan for Dubai Creek Harbour with Ras Al Khor Ramsar Site in the distance. Ramsar Convention Indawgyi Wildlife Sanctuary Ramsar Site Indawgyi Wildlife Sanctuary (Sitio Ramsar no. 2256) El exceso de sedimentación a consecuencia de corrimientos de tierra en el tramo superior de la cuenca reduce la capacidad de almacenar agua del lago artificial de Jagadishpur. Suncheon Bay Ramsar Site is a wide estuary combined with marshes, creating one of the most diverse and beautiful coastal ecosystems in the country. Suncheon City municipality government Suncheon Bay Ramsar Site supports at least 25 threatened birds, e.g. Black-faced Spoonbill, Nordmann's Greenshank, Spoonbill Sandpiper, and Relict Gull. Suncheon City municipality government Suncheon City municipality government The annual production of fish, seaweed, and mollusks, mainly harvested using traditional techniques, is substantial. Suncheon City municipality government Suncheon City municipality government Suncheon Bay Ramsar Site supports sustainable fishing. Suncheon City municipality government Flamingos at the Gavkhouni Lake and marshes of the lower Zaindeh Rud (Ramsar Site no.53) Gavkhouni Lake Given its huge biodiversity value, the lake was declared Ramsar Site in 1990 Jammu and Kashmir Ministry for forests, environment and ecology Xe Champhone Wetlands Ramsar Convention Ras Al Khor Ramsar Site Francesca Negrini Dubai's skyline over Ras Al Khor Ramsar Site Francesca Negrini Francesca Negrini Dubai skyline, Ras Al Khor Ramsar Site Francesca Negrini Aerial view of the Mai Po Inner Deep Bay Ramsar Site Ramsar Convention The Sundarbans in Bangladesh is part of the world’s largest mangrove forest, lying on the delta of the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna rivers and bordering India’s Sundarbans National Park, also a Ramsar Site. IUCN / Mizuki Murai