Gallery 0 Resultados Reset All Close Gippsland Lakes Ramsar Site, Australia Official site for Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Gavkhouni Lake and marshes of the lower Zaindeh Rud Ramsar Site, Iran Tonle Sap lake in Cambodia. The Prek Toal Ramsar Site includes some of the most pristine floodplains in the Tonle Sap. Sorn Pheakdey Zhaling Lake Ramsar Site He Youfu Zhaling Lake Ramsar Site Ma Shenglu Eling Lake Ramsar Site Lin Kun Eling Lake Ramsar Site Wang Haifeng At over 12 000 feet above sea level, on the border of Peru and Boliva, Lake Titicaca Ramsar Site is the highest large navigable lake in the world. Paul Steyn The sacred wetland that has provided food, water and transport to the generations of humans, is now struggling with a massive pollution problem. Paul Steyn Lake Kutubu Ramsar Site Ramsar Convention Gippsland Lakes Ramsar Site, Australia Official site for Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Ramsar Convention Aerial view of the Ramsar Site Ramsar Convention Anhui Shengjin Lake National Nature Reserve (sitio Ramsar núm. 2248) Flamingos enjoying the solitude of the highlands in Laguna del Negro Francisco Ramsar Site, Parque Nacional Nevado de Tres Cruces, Chile. Vicente Weippert Lew Young Indawgyi Wildlife Sanctuary Ramsar Site Indawgyi Wildlife Sanctuary (Sitio Ramsar no. 2256) El exceso de sedimentación a consecuencia de corrimientos de tierra en el tramo superior de la cuenca reduce la capacidad de almacenar agua del lago artificial de Jagadishpur. Lutembe Bay Ramsar Site is situated at the mouth of Lake Victoria's Murchison Bay, this shallow area is almost completely cut-off from the main body of Lake Victoria by a C. papyrus island. Laura Máiz-Tomé The system plays an important hydrological role, with the swamps surrounding the Murchison Bay acting as natural filters for silt, sediments and excess nutrients in surface run-off, wastewaters from industries, and sewage from Kampala City. Laura Máiz-Tomé The site supports globally threatened species of birds, endangered Cichlid fish, and over 100 butterfly species, including three rare ones. It is a breeding ground for Clarias and lungfish, and regularly supports more than 52% of the White-winged Black Terns (Chlidonias leucopterus) population. Laura Máiz-Tomé Laura Máiz-Tomé