Gallery 0 Resultados Reset All Close SG Ministry of Environment visiting World Wetlands Day Expo in Burkina Faso. Ramsar Convention School Children Celebrate World Wetlands Day in Sri Lanka Sri Lanka World Wetlands Day celebrations in Solana, Montenegro Montenegro Ramsar City, NGOs, Primary school children, Womens Groups Event to celebrate World Wetlands Day Ramsar Convention Dr. Ania Grobicki, Acting Secretary General, Camilla Chalmers Head of Communications join Her Excellency Dr. Masoumeh Ebtekar, the Governor General of Isfahan and senior officials from Iran to celebrate World Wetlands Day in Isfahan, Iran. Ramsar Convention World Wetlands Day celebrations in Iraq Iraq Paul Ouédraogo Senior Regional Advisor for Africa at the ceremony to award certificates to Ramsar site managers in Burkina Faso Ramsar Convention World Wetlands Day celebrations in Oman Badar Al Bulushi Lew Young, Asesor Regional Superior para Asia, participa en las celebraciones del Día Mundial de los Humedales en Nepal Ramsar Convention Mark Smith, IUCN, Ramsar International Organization Partner with Guy Ryder UN-Water Chair and Director GeneraI International Labour Organization at the reception to celebrate World Wetlands Day at the Geneva Ramsar Convention Camilla Chalmers Ramsar Secretariat receives a painting of Dorgeh Sangi Ramsar Site Iran Ramsar Convention Panel-Training of Ramsar Site Managers on the use of the online Ramsar Sites Information Service as part of World Wetlands Day celebrations in Burkina faso Ramsar Convention Dr. Rasoul Zargarpour,the Director General of the Department of Environment for Isfahan Provincegiving his speech during the World Wetlands Day Celebrations. Ramsar Convention World Wetlands Day celebrations in Oman Badar Al Bulushi World Wetlands Day celebrations in Solana, Montenegro Montenegro Ghorbanali Mohammadpour, Director General Dept of Environment for Guilan takes Camilla Chalmers Head of Communications of the Ramsar Secretariat on a tour of Lake Amirkelayeh Ramsar Convention Her Excellency Dr. Masoumeh Ebtekar, the Governor General oCamilla Chalmers Head of Communications Ramsar Convention on Wetlands joins Her Excellency Dr. Masoumeh Ebtekar, the Governor General of Isfahan with Children from Iran Ramsar Convention World Wetlands Day celebrations in Iraq Iraq Paul Ouédraogo Senior Regional Advisor Africa takes a group photo with Ramsar Sites Managers awarded certificates on World Wetlands Day. Ramsar Convention World Wetlands Day celebrations in Oman Badar Al Bulushi Lew Young Senior Regional Advisor Asia, joins World Wetlands Day Celebrations in Nepal Ramsar Convention Arezou Ashrafizadeh and Hossein Z Rafi CEPA focal Points Iran with Camilla Chalmers Ramsar Secretariat Ramsar Convention Children join World Wetlands Day 2016 celebrations in Iran World Wetlands Day celebrations in Oman Badar Al Bulushi Coro de niños en las celebraciones del Día Mundial de los Humedales 2016 en el Irán Ramsar Convention School Children Celebrate World Wetlands Day in Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Lambert G Ouedraogo-SG Ministry of Environment receiving Certificate of new Ramsar Site Barrage de Tougouri Ramsar Convention