Gallery 0 Resultados Reset All Close Much of the world’s food, essential for human health and well-being, comes from wetland ecosystems. Rice, grown in wetland paddies, is the staple diet of 3.5 billion people. Michael Abhiseka Wasesajati This wetland is a human made ones along with inland since it is found near a river. The people normally grow water base crops, such as Colocasia antiquorum, Colocasia Esculenta and Nasturtium Officinale. Aquatic animals was introduced in the wetland to enhance the biodiversity of the wetland keshwar lobin Recently visited salt farms in Bhavnagar and Amerli districts in Saurashtra region of Gujarat.During the visit, got an opportunity to closely observe the lives of Agariya's (Salt workers) and their struggle for survival. Bhushan Reddy It's feeding time - fish farming system (dam in Rodopi mountain) Stefani Zgureva Travailleuse H'mong (minorité ethnique du Viet Nam) dans les rizières des hauts des montagnes de Sa Pa, Viet Nam Charlotte Devitre plowing paddy rice field using buffal Atsushi TANABE This spreading ground is part of the manmade wetland "Rieselfelder Muenster". Schütz Hans-Uwe This picture was in Hungria, Budapeste. I was walking to spa and I came across this paradise. tailson oliveira This picture illustrates persons at the Union Island Salt Pond reaping salt. Salt production in Union Island dates back to years ago when salt was produced and sold commercially. Whenever salt is produced it does a host of excitement when residents descend into the wetland area to “pick” salt. Many persons on island have been picking salt for over 40 years, and it is a skill that has been passing on to children and grandchildren. As we watch carefully in this photo we can see local as well as visitors separating the flakes of crystal white salt from the water, this pure salt is said to be best for persons with high blood pressure, it is also used in facial massages and a lot of other uses. Kristy Shortte Batak Dam in the Rhodope Mountains, Bulgaria Doroteya Galbacheva