Gallery 0 Resultados Reset All Close norway bergen lake lies clambering up the mountain sides, overlooking the sea, embracing you. You can roam through living history in this modern city, riham rabeea Enjoying the sunrise on the Lake Leman Jane Smith Le 5 Février 2016 dans la tourbière du Longeyroux au sein du Parc Naturel Régional de Millevaches, en Corrèze. Promenade dans la zone humide, sensibilisation sur les usages des tourbières et sur les espèces endémiques. Thomas HARDY Ohrid lake in Macedonia Doroteya Galbacheva The Danube Delta is the second largest river delta in Europe, after the Volga Delta, and is the best preserved on the continent. Roxana Mihaela Banu Wetland Perebrody, Rivnenska region, Ukraine Molchanovych Vasyl Voici une vue du site Ramsar de la Ria Formosa en Algarve au Portugal. Il s'agit d'une zone de lagunes s'étendant sur une soixantaine de kilomètres de long et protégée de l'océan par un cordon d'îles dunaires. Simon Paulais Tusa – Barcau Landscape Reserve – Barcau’s Spring, Wetland in Salaj County, Romania Kristina Stanescu This is a wetland is located in Turkey-Bolu. The tree leaves become more colourful when spring comes Ozge Ucoluk Sørkjosleira Nature reserve and Ramsar Site. Owerlooking the mudflats, the fjord and the distant mountains Arild Endal Water mirror Rengin Hryustem Photo prise à la réserve ornithologique du Teich, figurant une grande aigrette en premier plan, et l'usine de traitement de la cellulose du pin (Smurfit Kappa) en fond. Ce contraste entre la blancheur de l'oiseau et la fumée grise de l'usine rappelle l'importance de la protection de la nature et le fragile équilibre existant dans la réserve. Lucille Guillomo The Danube Delta andrei marin Wetland Perebrody, Rivnenska region, Ukraine Molchanovych Vasyl Iaz swamp – Wetland in Salaj County, Romania , for it’s unique (for Romania) insects fauna and for several rare species of plants like the Common sundew – Drosera rotundifolia and Peat moss – Sphagnum g. Zsuzsa Dacz Photo made on the banks of the river "Volga" in Zelenodolsk region of Tatarstan. This river is very important for the locals. Samat Mindubaev This wetland is located in Germany. It is really beautiful place. Ozge Ucoluk World wetland day.Sørkjosleira nature reserve and Ramsar cite on 2. february. Arild Endal Vransko jezero Ivana Vukman A small lake between several villages in the mountain, with beautiful coastal vegetation, home of birds and also used for irrigation Stefani Zgureva Au cœur de la réserve Naturelle de La Baie de Somme, en France, ici passent un grand nombre d'oiseaux migrateurs. Elisa HEURTAUX Lack of breeding sites for storks can be a problem where good habitats are around. In the Danube Delta (Europe, Romania), cutting and selling the reed is almost the only source of income for the local people. The reed is deposited in the field next from where it was harvested, until is sold or transported . In the spring of 2008, a pair of storks built a nest on this almost 3 meters high pile of reed and it's there ever since as the owners refused to destroy the nest. Jozsef Szabo fishing men Alina Cojanu It's feeding time - fish farming system (dam in Rodopi mountain) Stefani Zgureva Mures river at Arad county, Romania. Winter landscape. Zaha Maria Photo made on the banks of the river "Volga" in Zelenodolsk region of Tatarstan. This river is very important for the locals. Samat Mindubaev Ireland is surrounded of water, and is a place where rain almost 365 days a year.The Corrib River through Galway city until the sea. Is this river that supplies Galway City and grand part of time people are around it, swimming, practicing some sports.Without Corriby River, Galway never could be Galway, isis Terra