Gallery 0 Resultados Reset All Close World Wetlands Day celebrations in Oman Badar Al Bulushi wetland day at Rangla punjab pakistan 01-02-2015 Hassan Khan Saraan Hachigoro Toshima Wetland Ramsar Convention on Wetlands Sharif Dana The picture shows the scenic view of Lake Sebu. It is a natural lake located in the municipality of Lake Sebu, South Cotabato which is home to the T'boli and Ubo tribes. This placid lake serves as an important wetland as it is one of the many bodies of water supplying important irrigation to the provinces of Sultan Kudarat and South Cotabato. It is also one of the promoted prime eco-tourism destinations in the area and serves as a source of livelihood for the locals. In fact, the lake is teeming with tilapia which is grown in large floating fish cages and is considered as one of the main delicacies of Lake Sebu. Erickson Tabayag Kaya Wetlands Ramsar Convention on Wetlands Fishing Bikram Thapa Magar Community celebrating World Wetlands Day 2016 in Isfahan, Iran Ramsar Convention School Children Celebrate World Wetlands Day in Sri Lanka Nandagarai Wetland,Tamil Nadu Riju Ghosh Shivam Kapil Ghodrati Fereshteh Tokyo Tidal Flats Yatsuhigata Ramsar Convention on Wetlands ramsar site (GHODAGHODI LAKE ) located in far west nepal, kailali : fused biotics pleading with GHODAGHODI wetland to remain as it is naturally. Sudhir Neupane Her Excellency Dr. Masoumeh Ebtekar, the Governor General of Isfahan Province, Camilla Chalmers Head of Communications Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. As we all celebrate the world wet lands day, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Provincial and Community Environment and Natural Resources Offices in Region I, Philippines; the employer, employees and some of the students were participated in Learning tour on how to conserve and protect mother earth (specifically the conservation of wet lands and its plantation). the photo i submitted to the contest was taken in Provincial Mangrove Nursery of Bolinao, Pangasinan, a hundred thousands' (estimated counts) of Mangrove Seedlings to be planted in many wetlands in Province of Pangasinan Philippines. Hopefully these plants will much more help on preventing nature disastrous... Mother Earth loves us; show her that we deserved to be loved by hers. I must say that we owe to her our life, Am I right? Evan Bernal Likvan wetland Kazemi Aynaz Tai Wetland Ramsar Convention on Wetlands World Wetlands Day celebrations in Oman Badar Al Bulushi Hyogo Park of the Oriental Stork Ramsar Convention The Expedition. The residents of Hundred Islands in the Philippines have a lot of options in choosing islands where they can picnic, rest, or play. Melanie Gaspa Tokyo Tidal Flats Yatsuhigata Ramsar Convention on Wetlands This photo is located at the Municipality of Dapa, Surigao del Norte, Siargao Island. Ronald Al Jurado The photograph was taken from the backwaters of Cochin, Kerala India .An array of Chinese nets Joseph Kakkassery Celebrating world wetlands day in lorestan province. This meeting held in decumple wetlands in poldokhtar area. Participators were members of network of environmental NGOS ‘yungs students’ local communities’ and government agencies. they wisited Wetlands and environs them. They also participated I-day trining workshop as “ wetlands values and functions†include:biodiversity’ resources sustainability and usage of local Communities. then they presented in birth watching . Babak Alvandian Visit to Lake Hinuma Ramsar Convention on Wetlands This is a photo of the Black-winged stilt in Zakher Lake in AlAlin city in AbuDhabi, United Arab Emirates. Alqasimi Badder