Gallery 1702 Resultados Reset All Close Wetlands near Enisala Fortress VICTOR MARIUS GAIDARGIU Eat devastating action of man , the Paraíba do Sul River reached the limit of their dry . One of the worst droughts in the history of the Paraiba do Sul River. Mateus Curty Água viva fotografada ao nascer do Sol na Praia de Porto de Galinhas. Paulo Roberto da Silva Junior Junior Lower kaduna middle niger flood plain, at patigi Bashiru Saliu Roseate Spoonbill (Platalea ajaja) David Steinwender This is a place from Enisala fortress Romania , there people can spend their free time in a quiet place in the nature between animals of the sky and land . Minerva Cioiu Coastline is changing. Mangroves along the coast are facing severe land use change due to unplanned city expansion, diminishing the ecosystem services these provide to society such as extreme tides control. Cartagena city, as many others located by the sea, is seriously threated by sea level rise and increase of extreme events frequency, and mangroves are natural barriers which reduce the impact of these phenomena. Unfortunately unplanned urban soil expansion is taking over this ecosystems, increasing the exposure of society to sea level change risks and demanding in the future expensive grey infrastructure based solutions for a problem which nature can help us to solve for free. Jorge Leon Fishermen fish in the wetland seyed Khalil ghaim Mousavi A solitary skater watches the northern sunset while gliding over smooth ice on a Toronto lagoon. It is an enchanted location where people can experience nature and solitude within Canada's largest urban area. The ice season was shorter this year because of global warming. Hannah Mittelstaedt Traditional fishermen sharing fishes. Paul-André Beaugier An important destination an important destination Benghazi and visitors because of celebrations, festivals and children games that take place there, especially in the summer. beautiful view and fresh air, and where the Libyan youngest hang out during the Libyan Revolution, family and love one usually go out and walk there on the weekend. riham rabeea The boy who always help fishermen to tie a boating knot even under the glaring sun. The sea gives him small coins from the fishermen to live. The sea is his life. Clifford Ralph Lomboy This photograph was taken at ESEC Taim (Taim Ecological Station), in the municipality of Santa Vitória do Palmar, Rio Grande do Sul state - Brazil. Pictured are included part of the fauna that is presevada the ecological station, as well as the native flora of the place. ESEC Taim aims to preserve a vast flooded area along with its fundamental elements such as fauna and flora. Eloisa Beal Mutzenberg Boat and sunset in Natural Park Kailuka Pavel Lakov Subsistence fishing Tiva Seupule Pasture in Wetland Cursul Mijlociu – Special Protection Area for birds, part of Natura 2000 Networking Programme, very important to safeguard the habitats of birds with special value for the European fauna (20 species of birds). Dacz Balazs O município de Ribeirópolis possui uma área de 263 km², está inserido parcialmente na Bacia do rio Sergipe que integra a microrregião de Carira, situada na zona oeste, transição de Agreste com o Sertão. Assim como vários municípios que enfrentam problemas de escassez de água, o município de Ribeirópolis possui o açude do Cajueiro, este foi construído em 1956 com o propósito de reduzir a carência de água na região, possibilitando a convivência da população com a seca. O açude vem sendo usado ao longo do tempo para o abastecimento humano e animal, irrigação e criação de peixes. Aichha Carolina Pereira Fotografía en medio del Humedal Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, que muestra cómo pobladores que viven a orillas de la ciénaga grande, desarrollan labores de extracción de recursos naturales de manera artesanal, para así tratar de no afectar al ecosistema que, actualmente, atraviesa una crisis de salinización. Dayana Carreño O ser humano se adapta e protege quando ele quer, águas preservadas pelo ser humano em constante sincronia com nossa humanidade... paulo jailton Wetland is essential for sustainable livelihood as it helps livelihood through tourism,fishing and irrigation.#WetlandsForOurFuture#WorldWetlandsDay shilpa Replanting mangroves in Jamaica's coastal wetlands. Ava Tomlinson Travailleuse H'mong (minorité ethnique du Viet Nam) dans les rizières des hauts des montagnes de Sa Pa, Viet Nam Charlotte Devitre El rápido crecimiento de las poblaciones conlleva a un acercamiento entre la naturaleza y el hombre. Esto nos enseña a vivir en armonia. Roberto Barco Encontro das águas, No Amazonas (Rio negro e Rio Solimões) rios utilizados para o trasporte de materiais, navegação, e diversas outras atividades. Além de ser um ponto turístico. Isaac Marques Some places do not depend on human changes. Often the sustainable exploitation is the best way to observe the beauty of nature. Igor Carrijo Ramos Lake Synevyr Synevyr - the largest natural lake in the Ukrainian Carpathians, one of Seven Wonders of Ukraine. It lies between the mountains, among spruce forest at an altitude of 989 meters above sea level, near the village of Polyana Synevyrska. Besides the well-known version of the formation of the lake that caused by the legendary figures of the Syn’ and Vir, scientists says that lake was formed as a result of rock falls that blocked the valley of mountain streams. It happened about 10 - 11 thousand years ago. And now we have the opportunity to admire a lake with an island in the middle. Maryana Herba Foto del equipo de los hoteles Now Larimar, Now Garden y Secrets Royal Beach que fueron sensibilizados y colaboraron con la limpieza de Playa Macao. Leiny Santana 27