Gallery 1702 Resultados Reset All Close Story of my life Maria Kerstin plowing paddy rice field using buffal Atsushi TANABE Deepar Beel is one of the Wetland Ecosystem, designated as the “Wetlands of International Importance” under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, 1971. Deepar Beel is offering some major habitat services as such assisting favorable habitat for the flora & fauna, nutrient cycling, seed dispersal Abhinay Sharma This spreading ground is part of the manmade wetland "Rieselfelder Muenster". Schütz Hans-Uwe Lake Uru Uru, is the smaller brother of lake Poopó in the Oruro Department, Bolivia. Together they form a valuable RAMSAR-site since July 2002. A place where both, indigneous people and endemic and endangered birds, such as the Chilean flamingo, can find their food Although this beautiful landscape seems perfect (as some the pictures may suggest): Blue water, open sky, nature and people living peacefuly together. There is also a counterside. Both the lakes got heavily contaminated because of various factors. Mining activities in the sorrounding region, bad management of sewer coming from te city of Oruro and a too low awareness about waste management. Due to the contamination hundreds of thousands of fish have died in November 2014. Meaning an inmense loss of food and economic resources for the local indigenous Uru population in the region. On top of that also the danger of extinction for the red list species and the local Uru people living in this area.On the field trip we where undertaking we met a girl walking along a deserted road going through the Lago Uru Uru area. Driving past the heavily contaminated wetlands this only dramaticised the whole picture. We took the girl with us to the farm she and her mother where working that day at the end of the road where the road ends in the Lago Uru Uru. The farm situated in the little traditional Uru-houses, only less than a mile away from the heavily contaminated fields, keeps both sheeps and cows living alongside of the lake. Also a large variety of bird-species can be spotted in this area. Delivering really pittoresque images. On the other hand stories were told by the farmer that the sheep were being born more and more in deformed way. Also the farms’ cows where faced with more and more miscarriages. The cause for these severe problems for the Uru-population is not really hard to find since the proof is literally around the corner. Laurens Niño pescando en forma tradicional en el Río Nazas bordeado por el Sitio Ramsar 1747, el Parque Estatal Cañón de Fernández río Nazas, donde se practica la pesca de autoconsumo y venta. Gladys Aguirre Balza Blue boat on Jurilovca dock. Alexia Petrec pirarucu secando ao sol para alimentação de comidades tradicionais. niviane Balbi This picture was in Hungria, Budapeste. I was walking to spa and I came across this paradise. tailson oliveira Artisanal fisherman in Antonina Bay, an estuarine region in the state of Paraná, South Brazil. Photo taken in February, 2015. Rafaela Granzotti This picture illustrates persons at the Union Island Salt Pond reaping salt. Salt production in Union Island dates back to years ago when salt was produced and sold commercially. Whenever salt is produced it does a host of excitement when residents descend into the wetland area to “pick” salt. Many persons on island have been picking salt for over 40 years, and it is a skill that has been passing on to children and grandchildren. As we watch carefully in this photo we can see local as well as visitors separating the flakes of crystal white salt from the water, this pure salt is said to be best for persons with high blood pressure, it is also used in facial massages and a lot of other uses. Kristy Shortte The serenity of this picture of Red Mangroves (Rizophora spp) is a relief to the soul. Jorge Leon Fishermen fish in the wetland seyed Khalil ghaim Mousavi Pouillot véloce photographié autour de l'Etang du Méjean, zone humide côtière de l'Hérault. Clément JOURDAN AN OLD WOMAN WITH A BASKET WALKING ALONG THE BANKS OF WETLAND DINESH G K fotografía tomada en Argentina, Mar Chiquita, un lugar que se encuentra a 34 km. de Mar del Plata yamila baldi Bounty.Cockle Harvesting in Kuala Sepetang.An exemplary site showing how wetland conservation functions alongside sustainable resource exploitation, Matang Mangrove Reserve (which encompasses Kuala Sepetang) is considered to be the best managed mangrove reserve in the world and at the same time, a source of livelihoods for the locals through fisheries, cockle harvesting and charcoal producing sector. Yew Aun Quek Families usually gathered in these coastal Wetlands in Kapatan, Glan Sarangani Province during Lowtides to glean for High Valued Seashells which they sell in the local market or ending up in as viand in thier Dining Table Cirilo Jr Lagnason Estância Climática de Caconde - SP Represa vista do Mirante de Caconde Patrícia Ferreira de Souza Batak Dam in the Rhodope Mountains, Bulgaria Doroteya Galbacheva Yachting in the sunset Luama Yoshida herd of sheep Barbu Eusebiu Estrada entre Rio de Janeiro e Minas Gerais. Dennys Lasneau La Cocha Lugar emblemático por su majestuoso paisaje, vegetación y variedad de aves características de páramo. Sus habitantes son de origen campesino y descendientes de comunidades indígenas como los Quillasingas, Kofánes, Ingas y Kamsá provenientes del Departamento del Putumáyo. La principal actividad económica es la agricultura, y la pesca de trucha arcoíris.La Cocha es un lugar de encuentro para propios y foráneos Stephania Sánchez Traditional Fisherman. The resources of the sea allow the coastal people to make a livelihood. This fisherman only has traditional boat and could not go to the sea for fishing due to the high tide. He threw the fishing net into the lagoon and tried to catch some fishes. Michael Abhiseka Wasesajati The amazonian wetlands has importance, beyond the regulation of ecological system, in the transportation of people and products in the rivers. The rivers are like roads of water, and is very important all the people living in that region or not, conserve the amazonian water roads. Cristiano Alves A group of community people including women group, Government line agencies and stakeholder working together for the cleanliness of the water resources on the World Wetlands Day for the conservation of environment. Ananda Phuyal 27