Gallery 0 Resultados Reset All Close Cheremske Bog Ramsar Site M.Khymyn Gippsland Lakes Ramsar Site, Australia Official site for Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Syra Pogonia Bog Oksan Golovko Somyne Swamps Oksan Golovko A largely undeveloped wetland complex composed of sloughs, bogs, and coastal lagoons that harbor the largest natural wild rice bed on the Great Lakes Gavkhouni Lake and marshes of the lower Zaindeh Rud Ramsar Site, Iran Yelnia Ramsar Site Vershitskaya Irina, 2006 Tonle Sap lake in Cambodia. The Prek Toal Ramsar Site includes some of the most pristine floodplains in the Tonle Sap. Sorn Pheakdey Women focal group discussion at the Xe Champhone Ramsar Site Anushae Parakh Sporovsky peatland reserve & Ramsar Site is Europe's largest pristine peatland, and one of the target sites of project activities in Belarus. UNDP Trappola Marshland - Ombrone River Mouth Giuseppe Anselmi 2012 Zhaling Lake Ramsar Site He Youfu Zhaling Lake Ramsar Site Ma Shenglu Eling Lake Ramsar Site Lin Kun Eling Lake Ramsar Site Wang Haifeng At over 12 000 feet above sea level, on the border of Peru and Boliva, Lake Titicaca Ramsar Site is the highest large navigable lake in the world. Paul Steyn The sacred wetland that has provided food, water and transport to the generations of humans, is now struggling with a massive pollution problem. Paul Steyn Plantations on burnt and drained peatlands in the coastal area are exposed to subsidence and increased flooding Tobias Salathé Drained and burnt peatland area in the buffer zone of the Berbak National Park Tobias Salathé A Ramsar Site of International Importance, the wetland on the edge of the Inner Deep Bay is an important stop-off point for migrating water birds on the flyway between New Zealand and Siberia as they move north and south for the summer and winter. Paul Steyn Paul Steyn The unique balance between people and nature at Mai Po seems to be working, but the slow march of urbanization in Hong Kong and China represents one of the largest threats to the wetland. Paul Steyn Kut Ting Marshland Ramsar Site in Thailand Lew Young