Gallery 0 Resultados Reset All Close Alec Batts Sky reflection Charlie Waite This is a glass frog near a stream in Western Ecuador. This species is about the size of a dime and they wait for seasonal rains to breed and lay their eggs Zane Johnson Water. Water is the most important in our lives! Dominik Hanke Dhanmondi Lake is most popular wetland in Dhaka city. Abu Rayhan The picture was taken in the Pantanal, one of the most biodiverse ecosystems in the world and the biggest floodplain on Earth. Lurian Pires Klein There is a lot of different animals and plants around Cerknica's lake, that found their home here and also many birds that lives here only in the winter. It's impressive to watch them, but if we also try to hear their voices, the place changes to a real little paradise. It's sad that some people are still not aware of all it's beauty and keep threatening it. Nika Udovič Flight Synchronized. Praia Seca - Rio de Janeiro Yunes Khader Sou um fotógrafo de casamento e nas horas vagas dedico-me à fotos de paisagem e cotidiano da cidade! Jonathan Borba Eco- Trail White River, Reserve Dzhandema, Stara Planina (Old Mountain) Doroteya Galbacheva Wetlands in Watsonville, California at sunset. Danielle Karonis This is a karst spring of the river Zlatna Panega in Bulgaria. Tsveta Borisova An image shows the Wetland "Paljike" in Bosnia and Herzegovina /SouthEast Europe/ near Municipality Visoko as a part of central Bosnia. Also represent plant species Ranunculus aquatilis native throughout most of Europe and western North America, and also northwest Africa Faruk Garib