Gallery 0 Resultados Reset All Close “Be Baay,” a Tboli lady and the magnificent Lake Sebu! Found in the heart of “Timog Cotabato,” Philippines, Lake Sebu astounds with its beautiful wetlands. Locale of the Tboli tribe, it has been the source of life itself for Tboli people especially the women. Its magnificence illuminates Tboli women. Its exotic beauty is the beauty of Tboli women. It is forever precious and full of pride. Darlene Ofong I visited this wetland in the summer of 2015. I was in the Ankara Province of Turkey studying the Northern Anatolian Fault, but my professor stopped us on our way to our field site to show us the Cayirhan Bird Sanctuary. He explained to us that it was formed by an ancient ocean and is now home to 179 bird species. In the distance I could see the Kizilbar Formation, Paleocene-Low Eocene in age. The red litharenite was remarkable against the micrite and mudstone and reflecting a perfect mirror image in the water, and when the light hit it just right it reminded me of a sunrise. However what was more striking than the beauty of the Bird Sanctuary was the fact that days before I had toured a Turkish coal mine that was just a couple of miles up the road. I was still coming to terms with having been geared up and sent 250 meters underground for a process that exploits the earth natural resources. In my mind the Bird Sanctuary juxtaposition with the Coal Mine is a reflection on the way humans choose to use and interact with the earth around them. Emily Santos O município de Ribeirópolis possui uma área de 263 km², está inserido parcialmente na Bacia do rio Sergipe que integra a microrregião de Carira, situada na zona oeste, transição de Agreste com o Sertão. Assim como vários municípios que enfrentam problemas de escassez de água, o município de Ribeirópolis possui o açude do Cajueiro, este foi construído em 1956 com o propósito de reduzir a carência de água na região, possibilitando a convivência da população com a seca. O açude vem sendo usado ao longo do tempo para o abastecimento humano e animal, irrigação e criação de peixes. Aichha Carolina Pereira Small lake on peat bog in Šumava National park and behind it is the dead forest from bark beetles Veronika Hadacová Fisherman on boat in Inle lake Atsushi TANABE Keibul Lamjao National Park located in Manipur is the only floating park in the world with an area of about 40 The park is the home to last viable population of " Sangai" brow antlered deer (Rucervus eldii eldii). The national park is floating over the Loktak lake which is listed in the RAMSAR sites. Tshering Zam Lake Uru Uru, is the smaller brother of lake Poopó in the Oruro Department, Bolivia. Together they form a valuable RAMSAR-site since July 2002. A place where both, indigneous people and endemic and endangered birds, such as the Chilean flamingo, can find their foodAlthough this beautiful landscape seems perfect (as some the pictures may suggest): Blue water, open sky, nature and people living peacefuly together. There is also a counterside. Both the lakes got heavily contaminated because of various factors. Mining activities in the sorrounding region, bad management of sewer coming from te city of Oruro and a too low awareness about waste management. Due to the contamination hundreds of thousands of fish have died in November 2014. Meaning an inmense loss of food and economic resources for the local indigenous Uru population in the region. On top of that also the danger of extinction for the red list species and the local Uru people living in this area.On the field trip we where undertaking we met a girl walking along a deserted road going through the Lago Uru Uru area. Driving past the heavily contaminated wetlands this only dramaticised the whole picture. We took the girl with us to the farm she and her mother where working that day at the end of the road where the road ends in the Lago Uru Uru. The farm situated in the little traditional Uru-houses, only less than a mile away from the heavily contaminated fields, keeps both sheeps and cows living alongside of the lake. Also a large variety of bird-species can be spotted in this area. Delivering really pittoresque images. On the other hand stories were told by the farmer that the sheep were being born more and more in deformed way. Also the farms’ cows where faced with more and more miscarriages. The cause for these severe problems for the Uru-population is not really hard to find since the proof is literally around the corner. Laurens LA FAUNA ES UNO DE LOS ACTORES DE LOS LAGOS, AYUDAN PARA QUE EL ECOSISTEMA SEA ESTABLE, CADA ELEMENTO DE UN LAGO ES INDISPENSABLE PARA SU CONSERVACIÓN, ENTRE ELLOS LAS AVES MARIELA CASILLAS ZUBIETA Boat and sunset in Natural Park Kailuka Pavel Lakov Lake Synevyr Synevyr - the largest natural lake in the Ukrainian Carpathians, one of Seven Wonders of Ukraine. It lies between the mountains, among spruce forest at an altitude of 989 meters above sea level, near the village of Polyana Synevyrska. Besides the well-known version of the formation of the lake that caused by the legendary figures of the Syn’ and Vir, scientists says that lake was formed as a result of rock falls that blocked the valley of mountain streams. It happened about 10 - 11 thousand years ago. And now we have the opportunity to admire a lake with an island in the middle. Maryana Herba Lake Uru Uru, is the smaller brother of lake Poopó in the Oruro Department, Bolivia. Together they form a valuable RAMSAR-site since July 2002. A place where both, indigneous people and endemic and endangered birds, such as the Chilean flamingo, can find their food Although this beautiful landscape seems perfect (as some the pictures may suggest): Blue water, open sky, nature and people living peacefuly together. There is also a counterside. Both the lakes got heavily contaminated because of various factors. Mining activities in the sorrounding region, bad management of sewer coming from te city of Oruro and a too low awareness about waste management. Due to the contamination hundreds of thousands of fish have died in November 2014. Meaning an inmense loss of food and economic resources for the local indigenous Uru population in the region. On top of that also the danger of extinction for the red list species and the local Uru people living in this area.On the field trip we where undertaking we met a girl walking along a deserted road going through the Lago Uru Uru area. Driving past the heavily contaminated wetlands this only dramaticised the whole picture. We took the girl with us to the farm she and her mother where working that day at the end of the road where the road ends in the Lago Uru Uru. The farm situated in the little traditional Uru-houses, only less than a mile away from the heavily contaminated fields, keeps both sheeps and cows living alongside of the lake. Also a large variety of bird-species can be spotted in this area. Delivering really pittoresque images. On the other hand stories were told by the farmer that the sheep were being born more and more in deformed way. Also the farms’ cows where faced with more and more miscarriages. The cause for these severe problems for the Uru-population is not really hard to find since the proof is literally around the corner. Laurens Pouillot véloce photographié autour de l'Etang du Méjean, zone humide côtière de l'Hérault. Clément JOURDAN Estância Climática de Caconde - SP Represa vista do Mirante de Caconde Patrícia Ferreira de Souza La Cocha Lugar emblemático por su majestuoso paisaje, vegetación y variedad de aves características de páramo. Sus habitantes son de origen campesino y descendientes de comunidades indígenas como los Quillasingas, Kofánes, Ingas y Kamsá provenientes del Departamento del Putumáyo. La principal actividad económica es la agricultura, y la pesca de trucha arcoíris.La Cocha es un lugar de encuentro para propios y foráneos Stephania Sánchez Ecotourism is becoming increasingly popular in the Madre de Dios region of Peru. This is providing employment for locals who have great knowledge of the area. The work of ecotourism guides is to show and teach tourists about the biodiversity of the area, here the tourists are learning about the wildlife of Lake Sandoval in Tambopata Nature Reserve. Megan Warner Women more dependent on local wetlands, Loktak lake, Manipur, Ramsar wetlands...South Asian Forum for Environment, join hands for 'United voices sustainable solutions'. Amrita Chatterjee Dreams on Lake Auronzo di Cadore Stefania Ungureanu The picture was taken in a wetland in Romania, near Piatra Neamt, and it ilustrate a landscape of Vaduri lake. It is a protrcted area because there are living wild ducks and swans so that's why people come here to relax, because of fresh air and because theu can feed the swans. Malina Davidoaie Aguapés na Transpantaneira de Poconé-MT Jerffersoney Garcia Costa This image was taken at my hometown in Kisumu, Kenya on Lake Victoria. The image shows a fisherman heading to work. Yvonne Lyra Aoko Were Lake Synevyr Synevyr - the largest natural lake in the Ukrainian Carpathians, one of Seven Wonders of Ukraine. It lies between the mountains, among spruce forest at an altitude of 989 meters above sea level, near the village of Polyana Synevyrska. Besides the well-known version of the formation of the lake that caused by the legendary figures of the Syn’ and Vir, scientists says that lake was formed as a result of rock falls that blocked the valley of mountain streams. It happened about 10 - 11 thousand years ago. And now we have the opportunity to admire a lake with an island in the middle. Maryana Herba women collecting leaves and flowers of lotus to sell in the market for their livelihood. Wetlands are essential for the sustainable livelihood of millions of people all over the world . #save wetlands #save earth adarsh prathap Fotografía que resalta los humedales Altoandinos, denominados locamente como Bofedales, del Parque Nacional Sajama. En la región prestan importantes e insustituibles servicios ecosistémicos, como ser: provisión de agua dulce, provisión de forraje, regulación de regímenes hidrológicos y hábitat de biodiversidad, entre otros. Irina Cabrerizo Suaznabar Women taking a bath in Begnas lake, Nepal. Rishav Adhikari Ramsar Convention Aerial view of the Ramsar Site Ramsar Convention Anhui Shengjin Lake National Nature Reserve (sitio Ramsar núm. 2248)