Gallery 0 Résultats Reset All Close Cancun is known internationally for the beauty of its beaches. This would not have been without the help of mangroves who grow here. Cancún a nivel internacional y nacional, lo ha caracterizado la belleza de sus playas y arenas. Esto no hubiera sido sin la ayuda de los manglares que en él se encuentran. Fotografía: Manglares Nichupté. Melchor Ernesto Muñoz Dzib Bertioga, Sao Paulo, Brazil. I was on a field trip sampling rocky shores when suddenly this guy shows up and ran across the whole beach. He was the only one (beside us) there, can't describe the moment, the photo says by itself. Bruno Ogata Barra de Guaratiba's mangrove is the largest and most preserved mangrove of the city of Rio de Janeiro. It's ecologically and economically very important to the local people. Its habitants and restaurants rely on it as the main source of seafood to be both consumed or commerced. The extensive mangrove has two connections to the Atlantic ocean resulting in the beautiful formation of an over 30km long sandbank. Rodrigo Oliveira Cuatro Cienegas, Coahuila, Mexico. Place of pools that are true oasis in the Chihuahuan desert. Site of more than 100 endemic species of flora and fauna. Threatened by climate change. Cuatrociénegas, Coahuila, México. Lugar de pozas que son verdaderos oasis en medio del desierto Chihuahuense. Sitio de más de 100 especies endémicas de flora y fauna. Amenazada por el cambio climático, este paraíso sobrevive débilmente. Julio Alberto Salas Rabaza Siniloan wetlands Krisna Mae Artitchea "Parque los Lagos", Xalapa,Veracruz, México. Carla Ivette Rivera Preza Yuseli Mejia Fontes Black-winged stilts at the paddy field. Ann Ereka Tabayag Estuary zone - Paranagua city - Parana - Brazil Mirelly Lacerda Pinheiro Páramo Santa Barbara - Humedal Lago de Tota, Aquitania, Boyacá, Colombia. María Del Pilar Lemus Gutiérrez Imagem do Parque Nacional da Lagoa do Peixe, Mostardas/Tavares/ Rio Grande do Sul. Marcos Filipe Ferreira Toscana (Padule di Fucecchio) n.1 Negrini Francesca Vereda do Grande Sertão de Guimarães Rosa. - Travessia: Fazenda Menino até o Córrego Garimpeiro. Projeto: "O Caminho do Sertão" Guidyon Lima Lagoa Dom Helvécio em Parque Estadual do Rio Doce, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Sátiva Oliveira Fernandes The Modern Green Fingers. This kid is planting Mangrove Tree for his and everyone's future. To sustain the different species that exist at Balanga City Wetland Park. Michael Jeffrey Carlos Unity College, Caloundra students frog pond planting for World Wetland Day 2015 to create frog habitat as well as help protect the Pumicestone Passage - Ramsar wetland area. Steevens Simone The Alleppey backwaters in Kerala, India. As colorful and tasty as the whole country. Noelia Silva Clarkson Italy, Auronzo di Cadore Ana-Maria Gore Preparação para a Pesca do Siri, realizada por comunidade tradicional na Baía de Paranaguá - PR Mirelly Lacerda Pinheiro Working hard for a better living Fefiloi Kerstin Nature's own swimming pool Luama Yoshida Tusa – Barcau Landscape Reserve – Barcau’s Spring, Wetland in Salaj County, Romania Kristina Stanescu Women more dependent on local wetlands, Loktak lake, Manipur, Ramsar wetlands...South Asian Forum for Environment, join hands for 'United voices sustainable solutions'. Amrita Chatterjee This way to the small house Ahmad Fariz Fajar Registro feito no interior de Pernambuco (PE), na cidade de São Benedito do Sul, área preservada e rica em vegetação. Foto: Yalli Borges, em 22/02/2015. Yalli Borges Lalinha Blair Mchattie Pamela Aline Garcia