Gallery 0 Résultats Reset All Close Libélula en las Lagunas de Montebello, Parque Nacional y Sitio Ramsar del Estado de Chiapas. Ernesto Isaías Aguilar Camacho Photos taken: Vale do Capão - Bahia Itaparica - Bahia Trindade - Rio de Janeiro Luan Campos Caddo Lake Texas Amber Cole Urdini lakes are a group of 6 cirque lakes, located in Urdiniya cirque, situated in north-western Rila, north of Damga peak. The highest lake is at 2375 m altitude. Hristo Terziyski Búzios - RJ, Brazil. Amazing!! Leandro Coradini Andréia Weber Mangrove roots Daniela Garcia De Quevedo Raymundo Wonderful river Chechva in Ukraine Andrew Konyk This is the Curuá-una's lake at the Amazon forest. Luana Alves Mangrove Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo Jesús Gilberto Hau Azcorra Photo taken in Laguna Terms Campeche. The photograph shows the connection of children with this type of ecosystem, these children only with a small boat had fun on the banks of the lagoon. Foto tomada en Laguna de Términos Campeche. La fotografía representa la conexión de los niños con este tipo de ecosistemas, estos niños sólo con un pequeño bote se divertían a las orillas de la laguna. Que los niños aprecien y disfruten de los humedales es vital para su conservación presente y futura. Rubén Muñoz De Cote Hernández Are Umida em São João do Oriente Lucas Yuri The Expedition. The residents of Hundred Islands in the Philippines have a lot of options in choosing islands where they can picnic, rest, or play. Melanie Gaspa Lake Paladru, Isere, France called "Blue Lake" is the 5th largest natural lake in France. Some of its parts are classified "protected natural areas". These are preferred sites for nesting birds (mallards, swans, coots and grebes) and therefore remain inaccessible. Lac de Paladru, Isère, France Surnommé "Le Lac Bleue", c'est le 5ème plus grand lac naturel de France. Plusieurs de ses espaces sont classés « zones naturelles protégées ». Ils constituent le lieu privilégié de nidification des oiseaux (colverts, cygnes, foulques ou grèbes huppés) et restent donc inaccessibles. Théo Dellarota Alec Batts ''Bombina variegata'' is a rare kind of frog with a yellow spot on its belly and an interesting voice. It lives in small puddles in shadows near forests or meadows. If they feel in in danger, they hide deeper in the water or pretend to be dead (they show their yellow spot on their belly). On the photo you can also see its eggs/spawn. Nika Udovič Tortue luth juvénile en route vers la grande aventure au levé du soleil. Plage de Rémire Lucie Toussaint Ubatuba, Brazil Mariana Silva Baía da Babitonga: The scarlet ibis (Eudocimus ruber) Lais Gliesch Silva This photo is located at the Municipality of Dapa, Surigao del Norte, Siargao Island. Ronald Al Jurado Everglades National Park is a U.S. National Park in Florida Daysi Umpierre REGUA (Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu), Cachoeiras de Macacu-RJ, Brasil. Jairo Farias Parque do Bariri, Pará de Minas - MG. As águas do parque abrigam espécies que, com sua beleza, sensibilizam as pessoas a praticarem a conservação da natureza. Araújo Mércia A photo of sunset at Lake Gairdner in the arid Gawler Ranges of South Australia. When flooded the Lake becomes the fourth largest in Australia at over 160 km in length. This is a phenomenal sight given that the region is totally devoid of any free water, surface water and groundwater for the majority of the year. Mccarron Victoria Maíra Kellermann A child enjoys a wetland in Mintzita, Mexico Ricardo Enrique Núñez Ramírez This boat is used by a fisherman who wakes every morning at 4am so he can provide food for his family. The boat's name is "Boa amizade", in english "Good friendship" which translates exactly his relationship with the ocean. Mayara Maluceli