Gallery 0 Résultats Reset All Close Urdini lakes are a group of 6 cirque lakes, located in Urdiniya cirque, situated in north-western Rila, north of Damga peak. The highest lake is at 2375 m altitude. Hristo Terziyski Wonderful river Chechva in Ukraine Andrew Konyk Lake Paladru, Isere, France called "Blue Lake" is the 5th largest natural lake in France. Some of its parts are classified "protected natural areas". These are preferred sites for nesting birds (mallards, swans, coots and grebes) and therefore remain inaccessible. Lac de Paladru, Isère, France Surnommé "Le Lac Bleue", c'est le 5ème plus grand lac naturel de France. Plusieurs de ses espaces sont classés « zones naturelles protégées ». Ils constituent le lieu privilégié de nidification des oiseaux (colverts, cygnes, foulques ou grèbes huppés) et restent donc inaccessibles. Théo Dellarota ''Bombina variegata'' is a rare kind of frog with a yellow spot on its belly and an interesting voice. It lives in small puddles in shadows near forests or meadows. If they feel in in danger, they hide deeper in the water or pretend to be dead (they show their yellow spot on their belly). On the photo you can also see its eggs/spawn. Nika Udovič Tortue luth juvénile en route vers la grande aventure au levé du soleil. Plage de Rémire Lucie Toussaint Germany is very famous for its great environmental work. Norderney where the picture was taken, is a unique intertidal ecosystem and is very important for migratory bird species. Carole Moncoquet The vast, infinite beauty of Prespa Lake, Macedonia. The crystal clear water on a serene evening, the waves quietly whispering, humming their beautiful song under the cloudy sky. Vangel Krstnovski Prespa Lake Teuta Dzezair The magic of wetland. Vojtěch Šťastný Magareca Island, a part of Belene Kompleks Island Kameliya Bairaktarova Danube river bank, Persina Nature Park! Yoana Karadzhova Swan on Lake Velenje Jurij Vodušek There has been a site reconstruction at Lake Kolon in the past five years. They've managed to establish the real habitat of Lake Kolon. Edina Morvai Bog and fog Rasmus Vaher Blavet river, Pontivy, Morbihan, France Henry Francois Boscher Uljaste lake, Estonia Rand Rene Henri Water. Water is the most important in our lives! Dominik Hanke There is a lot of different animals and plants around Cerknica's lake, that found their home here and also many birds that lives here only in the winter. It's impressive to watch them, but if we also try to hear their voices, the place changes to a real little paradise. It's sad that some people are still not aware of all it's beauty and keep threatening it. Nika Udovič Eco- Trail White River, Reserve Dzhandema, Stara Planina (Old Mountain) Doroteya Galbacheva This is a karst spring of the river Zlatna Panega in Bulgaria. Tsveta Borisova An image shows the Wetland "Paljike" in Bosnia and Herzegovina /SouthEast Europe/ near Municipality Visoko as a part of central Bosnia. Also represent plant species Ranunculus aquatilis native throughout most of Europe and western North America, and also northwest Africa Faruk Garib