Gallery 0 Résultats Reset All Close Damselflies (Rhinocypha humeralis) play an important ecological role as they are one of the most visible indicators of the ecosystem health and biophysical conditions of wetland areas in which they breed. They are also helpful to potential human health risks by consuming mosquitoes and their larvae. They also eat other small invertebrates which make them valuable in controlling harmful insect populations. Loss of damselflies could have a ripple effect on food webs. Erickson Tabayag William Bernardo Libardi Andreatta A wetland in Dhaka, many kinds of birds can bee seen here, especially birds like Great egret, Little Cormorant, Lesser Whistling Duck, Asian Openbill etc. People of this area are very conscious about these wild lives...I call it a Piece of Heaven. Shahriar Aman Ducks floating on a River Krka beside my hometown Novo mesto, Slovenia. Urška Didovič, 17. Urška Didovič Bolle di Magadino - 20150301 Giulia Guldimann Ethan Staats is a M.Sc. graduate student at Virginia Commonwealth University studying biology. His research interests include predator-prey interaction ecology, Wetlands biodiversity and ecosystems function, and evolutionary biology, and he has worked with aquatic macro-invertbrates in his research. He believes that photography is a good way to communicate the beauty and uniqueness found in nature. Ethan Staats Laguna de Tara, Reserva Nacional los Flamencos, one of the most beautiful places in Chile, where you can find thousands of flamingos. Vicente Weippert Agusan marsh, where mostly ethnic Manobos have made their permanent homes deep within the marsh. The marsh provides virtually everything the Manobos need. In the dark tea-colored waters live untold numbers of catfish, carp, soft-shell fresh water turtles, and crocodiles. Paula Sophia Tejada My favorite wetland location is Mundaú Lagoon, located in Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil. In the picture, we can see some fishermen working there. Larissa Bezerra The Joys water brings in every form of lives!! Bikram Thapa Magar Small moments with nature can leave a big impact and having connections with nature encourages conservation. Wetlands are havens for nature and vital to the world ecosystem. Sophia Tanner This mangroves area is protected by a cooperative that strives to make it known to tourists using only rowboats, tourists are asked not to make noise. Ventanilla, Oaxaca, México. Es un área protegida por una cooperativa que se empeña en darla a conocer a los turistas utilizando únicamente lanchas de remos, pidiéndoles que no hagan ruidos e involucrándolos en diferentes actividades: conocer los manglares y la fauna que allí habita y liberar a las tortugas, entre otras. Francesca Caregnato Lago do Rio Curiaú, Estado do Amapá, Brasil. Oliveira Drielly Manguezal no município de Apicum-Açú (MA) - Brasil Kerllon Amorim Dying Perur Lake,Tamil Nadu Riju Ghosh Humedal Paticos, cuenca baja del río Claro Cocorná Sur. Sara Velásquez Franco European Tree Frog (Hyla arborea), Marais de Sacy, France Nicolas Caron Lake and Sea. Anna Carolina Russi The beautiful Garda Lake at sunset. Giada Padovani Buti river, Italy Mirko De Martino Voando sobre as áreas úmidas do Córrego do Zezão em Ivinhema, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. Fernanda Soares Junglos Caranguejo passeando entre as raízes dos mangues. Parque Estadual Ilha do Cardoso, São Paulo, Brasil. Viesba Leticia Picture taken in the Gallocanta (Aragon, Spain). This lake is the largest natural lake in the Iberian Peninsula and the largest saltwater lagoon in Europe, standing out for their concentrations of Common Crane, which makes this one of the largest lagoon in Europe as habitat for this species. Gallocanta Lake with its lights, wildlife and sunsets is a perfect place for photographers and nature lovers. Fotografía tomada en la Laguna de Gallocanta (Aragon, España). Esta laguna es la mayor laguna natural de la península ibérica y la mayor laguna de agua salada de Europa, destacándose por sus concentraciones de Grulla común, que hacen de esta laguna uno de los mayores dormideros de Europa para dicha especie. La laguna de Gallocanta con sus luces, fauna y atardeceres se consolida como un perfecto escenario para fotógrafos y amantes de la naturaleza. Agustín Catalán Gracia Rich in diversity, where many species are born, contrasting the mud, which give rise to a range of individuals and colors which is supporting our local population. Bragança-Pará Fábio Silva View of Crater Lake ,OR Alejandra Lozada Libertad que les dan las alas para ir tan lejos como quieran. Este es el humedal Videles ubicado en el departamento del Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Juan Sebastian Bermudez Salcedo Mora Martínez Gina Marcela