Gallery 0 Résultats Reset All Close My favorite wetland location is Mundaú Lagoon, located in Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil. In the picture, we can see some fishermen working there. Larissa Bezerra This mangroves area is protected by a cooperative that strives to make it known to tourists using only rowboats, tourists are asked not to make noise. Ventanilla, Oaxaca, México. Es un área protegida por una cooperativa que se empeña en darla a conocer a los turistas utilizando únicamente lanchas de remos, pidiéndoles que no hagan ruidos e involucrándolos en diferentes actividades: conocer los manglares y la fauna que allí habita y liberar a las tortugas, entre otras. Francesca Caregnato Manguezal no município de Apicum-Açú (MA) - Brasil Kerllon Amorim Lake and Sea. Anna Carolina Russi Caranguejo passeando entre as raízes dos mangues. Parque Estadual Ilha do Cardoso, São Paulo, Brasil. Viesba Leticia Mora Martínez Gina Marcela Lagoa do Paraíso, Jijoca de Jericoacoara, Ceará, Brasil. Etnan Sousa Manguezais na Baía de Guaratuba no Litora do Paraná, Brasil. Fernanda Sezerino Sea-Urban life Daniela Draganova FISH SANCTUARY. Marine protected and reserve zones established and managed by the local government unit of Virac in collaboration with the Office of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources to serve as a breeding ground of endangered and threatened aquatic species as well as to regulate indiscriminate fishing activities to maintain a sound ecological balance, protecting and enhancing the quality of the environment within the coastal barangays of Magnesia del Sur, Magnesia del Norte, Marilima and Batag, all of Virac, Catanduanes. Karen Ailene Benavidez My name is Jose Luiz, I'm from Brazil. I'm 19 years old. I live in countryside and I love to take pictures of nature landscapes. All pictures are made in Brazil, Espírito Santo state. José Luiz Brandão La importancia de los manglares como un atractivo natural para el turismo en Quintana Roo, México. Sistema Laguna Nichupté Leonildo Tun Caamal Costa Alegre, Jalisco Jiselle De León Blue Heron Daniela Garcia De Quevedo Raymundo Photo taken inside the reserve of Sian Ka'an biosphere dela; It is a bridge that crosses the mouth that connects the mangroves by the Caribbean Sea. Represents the importance of these environments to marine species, these connections are vital to the life cycles of many animals. In addition, the photo highlights the beauty that can have these environments.Foto tomada dentro de la reserva de la biósfera de Sian Ka'an; es un puente que cruza la boca que conecta al manglar con el mar Caribe. Representa la importancia que tienen estos ambientes con las especies marinas, estas conexiones son de vital importancia para los ciclos de vida de muchos animales. Además, la foto resalta la belleza que pueden llegar a tener estos ambientes. Rubén Muñoz De Cote Hernández Catching sea urchins is like picking fruits from a tree. Melanie Gaspa Foto retirada do encontro do mangue com as águas da ilha coroa branca localizada próximo a comunidade de Itapema. Maria José Menezes Da Silva Bárbara De Jesus Life in Mangue Filipe Sacchetto De Castro Monteiro Milena Castro De Azevedo Ilhas ao redor de Arraial do Cabo, RJ Caroline Pereira Uli Darbra Laguna de Chautengo de la Costa Grande, Guerrero Juan Antonio Jaramillo Vazquez Lagoa do Paraíso, Jijoca de Jericoacoara, Ceará, Brasil. Etnan Sousa Baía de Guaratuba, Litoral do Paraná, Brasil Fernanda Sezerino Fisherman in Ihabela, Brazil Beatriz De Souza Lima Nagsasa Cove, San Antonio, Zambales, Philippines - The perfect 3-hr getaway from all the pollution of Manila. It's place for relaxation and nature appreciation without all the hotels, cell reception, and electricity. Nadya Ferrer