Gallery 0 Résultats Reset All Close A part of coastal area in Glan, Sarangani Province in Philippines where people use it as a source of daily income. Along the shoreline is the mangrove trees are planted and on the other side is the protected area by Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Mary Grace Yuen Laguting En la Ciénaga de la Virgen o Tesca, en canoa, pajareando de madrugada. La cano es de Javier, un pescador, ambientalista, habitante del corregimiento aledaño a la ciénaga que lleva el nombre de "La Boquilla". Javier hace parte de una empresa comunitaria de ecoturismo en la cual prestan el servicio de paseos en canoa por este importante humedal de Cartagena. Maria Fernanda Patiño Coastline is changing. Mangroves along the coast are facing severe land use change due to unplanned city expansion, diminishing the ecosystem services these provide to society such as extreme tides control. Cartagena city, as many others located by the sea, is seriously threated by sea level rise and increase of extreme events frequency, and mangroves are natural barriers which reduce the impact of these phenomena. Unfortunately unplanned urban soil expansion is taking over this ecosystems, increasing the exposure of society to sea level change risks and demanding in the future expensive grey infrastructure based solutions for a problem which nature can help us to solve for free. Jorge Leon Replanting mangroves in Jamaica's coastal wetlands. Ava Tomlinson The serenity of this picture of Red Mangroves (Rizophora spp) is a relief to the soul. Jorge Leon Bounty.Cockle Harvesting in Kuala Sepetang.An exemplary site showing how wetland conservation functions alongside sustainable resource exploitation, Matang Mangrove Reserve (which encompasses Kuala Sepetang) is considered to be the best managed mangrove reserve in the world and at the same time, a source of livelihoods for the locals through fisheries, cockle harvesting and charcoal producing sector. Yew Aun Quek Refuge.In Malaysia, the major source of protein is derived from fish which is usually caught locally by artisanal fishers. To protect their boats from the typhoons, fishermen seek refuge in the mangroves which cover most of the Southern coast. The mangroves break strong waves and is also a breeding ground for many pelagic fish. Yew Aun Quek This photo shows the pollution in mangrove in Guanabara Bay, RJ. dandara bernardino bezerra A mangrove newly planted last February 5, 2016 along the coastline of Glan, Sarangani Province in the Philippines. Behind it are the tetrapod placed to protect these mangrove from big waves. Mary Grace Yuen Laguting