Gallery 1702 Résultats Reset All Close Ramsar Convention Ramsar Convention Ramsar Convention Ramsar Convention Ramsar Convention Ramsar Convention Ramsar Convention Ramsar Convention Ramsar Convention Ramsar Convention Ramsar Convention Ramsar Convention Ramsar Convention Ramsar Convention The Peel-yalgorup Ramsar Site is the most important area for waterbirds and waders in Southwest Australia, regularly supporting over 20,000 individuals. The system supports a regionally important estuarine fishery. The area is used extensively for recreational purposes. David Rennie Elephant Marsh Dr. Katherine Forsythe It was named “Elephant Marsh” by the explorer David Livingstone in 1859, who counted as many as 800 elephants in one sighting. Nowadays the elephants are largely gone, but the Site supports over 20,000 waterbirds. Elephant Marsh Ramsar Site plays an important role in maintaining the valley’s hydrological regime, through flood control, water storage and supply of nutrient-rich sediment. Katherine Forsythe Viruá National Park Marcos Amend Guaraqueçaba Ecological Station Geraldo Ottoni Al-Zora Protected Area Saif Ahmed Morochno Natallia Zeliankevich Las Piñas – Parañaque Critical Habitat and Ecotourism Area Ramsar Site LPPCHEA LPPCHEA Lake Kutubu Ramsar Site Ramsar Convention A singing group at the Kutubu Festival Ramsar Convention Covering 2.4 million hectares, the Sepik River will be one of the largest riverine Ramsar Sites Ramsar Convention 27